Add "Disabled Vehicle" to Windows Phone version
I have an Android phone at work, and a Windows Phone at home. I use Waze on both as a single user. I was navigating home on Sunday when I watched a vehicle become disabled next to me at a traffic light. Being the good Wazer that I am, I immediately opened my Waze app and pressed on the "REPORT" icon. On my work (Android) phone under "HAZARD", there is an option to identify "Vehicle Stopped". On my Home (Windows) phone version, that option is completing missing. How did this get left off???? Could someone at Waze add it as one of the options to pick under "HAZARD"?
Also, one other beef. The NAVIGATE and REPORT icons are reversed on Android and Windows versions. As a result, I'm constantly picking the wrong icon. Any way to put them in the same screen position on each version? NAVIGATE left, HAZARD right.

Thank you for your suggestion! As you may already know, Waze is no longer supported on any Windows Phone device and is not planned to be supported in the near future.