Bring Elvis voice back please!
I am not an Elvis fan at heart. However I LOVE the Elvis voice. Where did he go and can you bring him back please?

Thank you for your suggestions!
Some of the voices we feature are promotional, meaning they are only available for a limited time.
We offer special voices for holidays, events, and just for fun.
You can use these for the length of the promotion. When the promotion ends, your voice will reset to the default and the voice will no longer appear in the Sound menu.
We hope that you enjoyed the voice while it was available and can’t wait to share more exciting voices to come!
Want to try another voice?
Tap Menu and tap the Settings wheel.
Tap Voice & sound.
Tap Voice Language and select the voice you’d like to use.
Carlos J Cazares commented
Please bring back the Elvis voice. I always thought that it was the best voice.
Anonymous commented
I still miss elvis. No idea how long it’s been but I still look for him as a choice. Why not just bring him back as he is a clear fav
Sherry commented
Me: Clearly many users want this, not sure why admin isn't paying attention? I can't even vote on the posts that have a high number of votes... Wait, I know what you are going to tell me....
Waze: Thank you for your suggestion!
As you probably know, some of the voices we feature are promotional, meaning they are only available for a limited time.
We offer special voices for holidays, events, and just for fun.
You can use these for the length of the promotion. When the promotion ends, your voice will reset to the default and the voice will no longer appear in the Sound menu.We hope that you enjoyed the voice while it was available and can’t wait to share more exciting voices to come!
Want to try another voice?
Tap Menu and tap the Settings wheel.
Tap Voice & sound.
Tap Voice Language and select the voice you’d like to use.Thanks for making your users think their suggestions are actually being addressed... soon your users will become someone else's...☹
Sherry commented
Does admin even read this stuff? Clearly there are a ton of people who want ELVIS back. Yet for every suggestion, there is an auto response. Is it even worth our time to vote? I remember when Waze wasn't so widely used, they seemed to care about their users... perhaps we should search for a new app...
Anonymous commented
How do I get Elvis voice on my Waze?
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Necromancy is unwise
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Necromanct is dangerous
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the boy band voice and bring Elvis back please!
Anonymous commented
We want Elvis
a commented
Still a good idea
Nicole Teran commented
I'm trying to figure out why the boy band is still there. Arnold I can do, but the boy band voice ...
Jan commented
Where is Col Sanders? WAZE is not the same!
David L. DeLong commented
I Like " ELVIS " voice on my trips using WAZE. Why not put him back on.
Anonymous commented
I'd like the Elvis voice back too!
Kathryn Schubert commented
Bring Elvis Back! Make voices that we can purchase and KEEP
Anonymous commented
Waze you can t improve as you are a BULLY. you do not care about us, you do not listen to your people... like big companies you are a bully
Ay commented
Please bring Elvis back, the best voice on wake.
Anonymous commented
Where did Col. Sanders go?! Bring the Col. Back. PLEAZE!!
Anonymous commented
Let the King live!
Bring back Elvis!!!! -
Anonymous commented
Bring Elvis back!!!!!