Store reports created offline for short period. I.E. Police reports and accidents, see comments
I travel a lot in weak cell service areas on major interstates. I will see an accident or Police situation when I have GPS but not network it says sorry you can't report do it later. However it might be 5 or 10 miles down the road before I can then the event isn't in the right location. Suggest storing the location information along with the time so that when network returns it can be posted.

Tiago Maffei commented
I wish it could be possible to make an alert on Waze even without 3G signal.
In some places you don't have internet signal and because of that you can not emmit an alert. -
Anonymous commented
Allow the user report a speedtrap or anyother thing even if there is no network signal. Waze must store it until the end of the trip or report as soon the signal is back. I travel a lot where there is no signal and lots of speed traps are not reported.
Rodrigo commented
nclude Speed trap please!!!
Anonymous commented
Include Speed trap please!!!
Fábio Piovesan Pimentel commented
A very useful suggestion, which would remedy this problem and help all wazers would be able to insert / report events without we need to be connected to the internet, or even with a failed connection or lack thereof (road places where the signal of carriers do not currently cover), we could enter the event is usually that they might be saved temporarily in the application / device, being sent automatically (without user intervention) when the application restore the network.
Kind regards. -
Aaron Watt commented
I'm with ya on this, can't stand it when I can't pave when abroad internet connection.
Aaron Watt commented
I find this really annoying when in rural areas in the world where there is not cell phone coverage and you start driving off the grid aka a road that is not on waze that you can't pave it, save it for later upload when theres internet connection. Theres been heaps of times when I have needed this because when I go hiking or bush walking most tracks are off road or there in areas that are very rural. I want to be able to pave these roads and also store place data then there is no internet connection.
jooner25 commented
I happen very, see too often want to make a report ( traffic jam, police, accident , danger etc.) on my path and my phone receives the wrong signal gsm at a given time , so I get a message error resulting in the loss of the alert .
I'd like Waze application is with a kind of buffer that automatically send its contents once the network is restored . -
Alan commented
Ability to add an report even if your not at the location. For example I see a major accident on a less traveled road but I can't take time to add that as I'm driving but can add it later and click on the location.
Ben commented
Can you add the ability to post police, accidents etc offline and it stores the info until you are online.
Often Police sit in 3G black spots so you can't report them.
Leonardo Luarte González commented
One other thing! Fog.
There are several places of the highway that don't get good coverage. That doesn't mean stuff happens there.
So imagine there is fog or an accident in the road, its better to report it and sending it later (counting that you have the position and report time) so other people which haven't arrived to the accident yet can be awere of the situation.
I would spend my 1000 votes just on this feature.
Leonardo Luarte González commented
While driving it is very hard to make a report, it has to be as fast as possible so it can be accurate and safe for drivers.
But, if you somehow manage to lose signal when that happens, you can't collaborate. -
Alex Reche commented
Many times when trying to create an alert, I get a message saying "No connection" "Try again later" and a black popup says "Location and Time saved", no idea where that location and time was saved, but this is not the point.
The point is that the creation of an alert and the fact that connection was lost, should be two completely independent events.
Waze users are very likely to be driving when trying to do an alert, and network problems are really not something they need to deal with while driving. Waze should be able to do the whole alert workflow, store the location and time (as it actually says), and try again later when the connection is reestablished, without any user intervention. As a frequent user of Waze, I do not care if I get my 6 points later when the connection is reestablished, or even never if the connection was lost forever.
This problem has also two main side effects:
- Some parts of the road never have alerts.
- A reduction should be notice on the number of alerts by Waze users in regions were that problem is frequent, tired of rarely being able to create alerts. -
Luis Nascimento (luiscnn) commented
Here in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil there is no mobile internet coverage in all locations where there are roads where drive. We often see some of the congested road where we intended to proceed or cross. I think at that time why nobody reported this occurrence to the other wazers and then start to do so. (1) When I try to send the message I realize there is no internet connection which is the reason why neither I or anyone has sent that alert. Similarly when I drive with the application and realize that there is an error on the map or in the suggested route (2) I try to report on the error in the exact location. But often it is a forbidden place into traffic, stop, park or very difficult to get and I report to the nearest location or at the first opportunity where it is safe to send an alert. But this causes confusion for those who want to fix the map because of where I report there is no street or street section mentioned in the text. (3) It also happens when I report an accident on the road or a danger in a "shadow area '' where there is no internet connection. There are three similar situations occurring due to lack of internet connection in the place where there is an occurrence relevant to be reported and we could not do it. My suggestion is that the waze application to register with the spent by the time reference so that when we click the button to send alert, the exact spot is marked immediately even if we can only conclude sending when we can stop in a safe place and connection internet.
Anonymous commented
When will this feature will be present ?
I missed a lot of reporting shipment because of this bug.
Thx -
Adrian Fletcher commented
Sometimes you can see something you need to report but have to detour... for example an accident up ahead at the stop lights... under the reporting menu there could be a drop pin option that lets me tag the location of the accident up ahead... but I can't because I have to detour... so maybe with a radius of like 1/4 mile or so? what say you?
Jeff Richardson commented
Also add to this by allowing me to adjust the report(s) (that I reported earlier), (via my phone, don't have a computer to edit the road closure when I stop moving).
maxseguros commented
Anonymous commented
Em algumas viagens que fiz percebi que não tem radar registrado no Waze, e percebi que o motivo seria pela falta de cobertura de internet móvel. Então poderia haver o momento que você adiciona um radar ele registra no celular e quando achar uma área com cobertura podendo enviar depois. essa seria muito boa pra não faltar nenhum aviso.
Obrigado -
Dive Redang commented
Agreed. On the recent flood event in Malaysia, not only were some roads inaccessible but where those roads were inaccessible there was no network coverage. This would help a lot especially when travelling through rural areas....