speed limits
It should be interresting to add the speed limit on the map, every user could add the limit through his trip.

Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Alain Brague commented
Bojour Possible de mettre l icône de la vitesse de la route que celui de la voiture
Mercu -
Anonymous commented
Can we please have the ability to add speed limits on roads, I am a new user and the app is fantastic but the speed limits / warnings are not on all roads - let us Wazers do this for you.
Ex TomTom user of 20+ Years (and got thru appx 6 units....)
Romain G commented
I think everyone, except rank 1 users, should be able to edit speed limits on WME, regardless of the "rank locking" of the road.
Because sometimes it takes a while for a level-5-rank user to edit a speed limit in a small town who drives just once per month in this area