Integrate with Google Latitude
Would you kindly consider integrating Google Latitude in a future iPhone version? I'd love to autoupdate my waze-less family on where I'm driving and it's a bit awkward having to run waze+glympse or waze+latitudie at the same time. If waze was able to update the Latitude position at least every few minutes or kilometers, it would help a lot. Many thanks in advance, and thanks for waze, it works pretty good although there aren't too many users here yet.
At the moment this isn’t possible. Hopefully you will find the FB and Twitter integrations sufficient.
Timberhawk commented
Google has discontinued Latitude as of 09 Aug 2013.
Jaime Visser commented
On android phones maps keeps some services like lattitude running in the background. Also, Lattitude has some delay built-in in everything but alerts.
Al Stewart commented
I'd say its an issue. if I don't use google maps or navigation, then it doesn't record my gps in my latitude history.
I like having my friends on latitude being able to watch me drive if they want ;-)
Jaime Visser commented
This is somewhat of a non-issue for Android users.