Waze Suggestion Box
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786 results found
Add SOS waypoints
Motorways, Highways, and interstate's can be dangerous places to be roadside walking. Display icons at each emergency roadside assistance calling points (SOS Points) for use during breakdowns/accidents/emergencies. This would make it obvious which is within the shortest walk distance so as to avoid unnecessary delays in emergencies.
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It would be great to remind the bus lane in UK
It would be great to remind the bus lane on route to prevent taking bus lane and penalty in UK, thx.
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Draw over for samsung
You gotta add draw over for samsung users ive heard apple has it already but it would help a lot if us samsung users could open other apps and keep waze open like floatin on the side like google maps lets us do but waze is much better i just miss being able to keep my navigation open while on an other app changing my song or texting someone back.
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Train button
A button to alert drivers that the train is running. We have a train in Madison, AL that runs 50 times a day. You never know when its running, it's completely random. And they refuse to release a schedule. We'd very much like to report when its running so that we can navigate around it. It takes anywhere from 5 mins to 2 hours.
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App esclusivo para tablet
Queria muito que fosse feito um app do waze esclusivo para tablet, e que quando usado em modo paisagen, a seta fique no meio e nao no canto direito, uma opção boa também seria, implementar a velocidade maxima pra caminhão também. Por favor fassan isso, imploro.
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Aire d'autoroute
Serait-il possible de pouvoir d'une part d'indiquer les aire d'autoroute avec leurs différents services comme les points de restauration et les stations services sur les autoroutes et également ajouter une option de recherche pour les aires et les restaurants pour trouver où s'arrêter en fonction de nos critères, qualité, services,etc et SURTOUT en fonction de l'heure d'arriver. Évidemment pas a la minute prêt mais qu'on puisse avoir les aires et restaurants qui nous correspondent atteignable entre 12h et 13h en fonction des bouchons etc.
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Waze se misca ingrozitor pe ios, pe iphone. Actualizati aplicatia va rog
Actualizati aplicatia pe ios, de misca incredibil de greu
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Améliorer la lecture de la carte
La carte est difficile à lire surtout le soir ou si on a des lunettes de soleil. Inspirez vous de map qui est bien plus lisible.
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Freie Gestaltung des Mainscreen
Ich fand es super, wenn man du emaximale Geschwindigkeit und km/h anzeige auch individuell verschieben lassen könnte. Z.B. die obere rechte Ecke oder unten rechts. Leider ist die untere linke Ecke bei mir beim fahren nicht so ganz sichtbar, daher würde ich mir diese Funktion sehr wünschen.
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Change de the color of the "beach" element on the livemap and on the application in yellow (like forest in green)
It will add some fancy color to the map and can help to now where exactly beach are.
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Map errors: 3 Westridge Rd Savannah GA NOT West Ridge Rd Verify with USPS. Burnside Island GA on Burnside River NOT Moon River
Burnside Island GA is on Burnside River
NOT Moon River3 Westridge Rd Savannah GA
NOT West Ridge RdGoogle Maps has both of these in ERROR.
Verify with US Coast and Geodetic Survey
Verify with US Postal Service1 vote -
Differ the blocked lane pictogram visible on the map in dependence on which lane is blocked (right, left or middle).
It will help with selection of proper side of the road in advance.
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The map in horizontal don't show the stop and continue buttons, and the map is shown so smaller.
Horizontal maps is shown smaller
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Map Cornering Indicator
How about adding a small icon on the main map screen that shows the realistic, scaled angle of upcoming corners?
This little feature could give drivers a much clearer idea of how sharp or gentle the turns are ahead. It would be especially handy in tricky areas with lots of tight turns or in places we’re not familiar with.
I think having an accurate corner scale indicator could help us prepare better for turns, making our drives smoother and safer.
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Expressway title
Please write out full 'PIE TUAS' instead of putting the PIE in a small light blue box with white text. Drivers cannot see the text in the small blue box, it's a bad colour scheme.
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Is it possible to have occasional small notes placed on the map that are associate with things like underpasses? I have an underpass near me that’s 12-feet 2-inches high and prevents quite a few delivery vehicles from accessing my neighborhood via that route. It is appropriate rendered as an underpass on the map, but it would be great if there was an annotation that gave the information. Something like “12’ 2” underpass” would be fantastic. Thank you for keeping Waze awesome.
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remove or hide where to? box - Supprimer ou masquer le cartouche Ou va t on ?
When using waze on the smartphone in horizontal mode, the where to? box located at the bottom left takes up half of the screen. In the end, we only have the right half for the map because it is entered on the right half of the screen.
The left part is not usable because of this box which remains on the screen.
I am not able to use the smartphone in vertical mode because the motorcycle mount is horizontal.
The suggestion is either to hide the box (by making it activatable with a click on a part of the…1 vote -
Split major roads to reflect the reality of the situation
Major roads are often shown as one road when in reality they are two roads. These means alerts may refer to one side or the other causing confusion. For example is the police alert for the other side of the road or this side. Its an obvious flaw in the presentation of map data. The reality is not reflected by the maps.
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Waze for motorcyle trips
What about a simplified, uncluttered map layout for tiny smartphones, to use by motorcycle riders? Something between Waze and Beeline...
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Updated spelling
Teesside is spelt with one S on Waze. Could it be updated so it is spelt correctly?
1 vote
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