Waze Suggestion Box
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782 results found
Display of Traffic Lights, Stop Signs and other signs.
Can you please add an option to enable view for traffic lights, stop signs and other important road signs.
141 votesWe plan to work on the display of traffic lights, stop signs and other important road signs in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
Continuous display of ALTITUDE
It would be nice to see continuously the current altitude in Waze
Sería bueno ver continuamente la altitud actual en Waze.זה יהיה נחמד לראות ברציפות את הגובה הנוכחי ב-Waze
246 votes -
Traffic Light Indicator
Show traffic light icons at intersections. When you are in a location that you're unfamiliar with, it helps to know if your upcoming turn is at a traffic signal or not. It is perhaps the easiest differentiator between all possible turns on roads that have traffic lights.
133 votes -
סמל החטופים ברמפות 🎗️
לצבוע בצהוב רמפות נבחרות בישראל, סמל החטופים
בזמן שעוברים ברמפה במחלף הכביש יוצר את סמל החטופים13 votes -
Add Traffic Lights and Stop Signs to the Map
Please consider adding traffic lights and stop signs to the map, similar to Google Maps and Apple Maps, and possibly integrating them into the audio navigation (e.g., “Turn left at the stop sign” or “Go straight at the traffic light”). This would make directions clearer and more intuitive, especially in areas with closely spaced intersections. It would also enhance safety by allowing drivers to anticipate stops ahead of time, reducing the likelihood of accidents, and improve route planning by helping drivers avoid routes with excessive stop signs or lights when time is a priority. To accommodate all users, you could…
8 votes -
Display more (limited) house numbers at destination
Short version: When approaching your destination display not only the pin for the address that you're arriving at, but also one, two or three addresses before and after the address. Example: navigating to 122 Main St would show up with the navigation pin, but also show a small number 114 and 118 before, and 126 and 130 after the pin.
When working for a delivery app like Door Dash, Uber Eats, Uber, Lyft, Instacart, Walmart Spark, Amazon Flex, Grub Hub, etcetera you're just trying to get to the location, drop the package, and move on to your next delivery. Often…
6 votes -
Please bring back "animals near by" & "road kill"
Please bring back "animals near by " & " road kill"
8 votes -
Waze map on cluster screen (behind steering wheel) on Android Automotive cars
Electric vehicles powered by Android Automotive from brands like Renault, Volvo or Polestar have the Waze app ready.
However, the application only works in the main infotainment screen and does not replicate the maps in the cluster screen like Google Maps does.
This is a big miss in order to use Waze instead of Google Maps, since it is very practical to see the map behind the steering wheel.
We hope in a near future you can have access to cluster screen and replicate the Waze maps there.
282 votes -
STOP sign icons at roads with stop signs 🛑
Stop sign icons at roads with stop signs. I often switch to Google maps while in the city because a lot of roads in my city will have no stop signs for 3-4 cross streets, then bam a stop sign. A lot of stop signs are obacured also. The city doesn't keep up with keeping them visible.
27 votes -
Have an option to hide street names
The street names are always hiding the way/the street I have to take. I absolutely don't need this information. I need to see the road and the intersection. I need to be able to hide that.
19 votes -
Outdated Waze map design -> Chances for a redesign?
The Waze map design is now quite outdated and seems very retro, out of date. There are no 3D buildings, poor resolution on large car screens, etc.
Will there ever be a redesign of the Waze map, see e.g. Google Maps 3D buildings in navigation.
2 votes -
Eliminar la ubicación de RAMCO Stamping de México en Atizapán de Zaragoza
Se disolvió la empresa y ya no se encuentra en este lugar
4 votes -
Add user selectable text sizes
Give users the ability to control the text size of the driving directions, and on the map street labels.
2 votes -
I hope you show the trafic signals on the map
I hope you show the trafic signals on the map that will helpe us
1 vote -
Hello Waze, to me, there is a fundamental safety problem when I use Waze while I'm driving:The edged font for lettering is difficult to read
Please change the edge font lettering to Solid black fonts.
I can't read it during the day in the existing display.Thanks
3 votes -
Please make the speed icon in the lower left corner larger with better contrasting colours. I find it difficult to read.
Please make the speed icon in the lower left corner larger and use better contrasting colours. I find it very difficult to read, especially with sun glasses on.
2 votes -
Prior to freeway off ramp indicate if it will be a left or rignt at the end of the off ramp.
If prior to entering a freeway off ramp if Waze would indicate which off ramp lane you needed to be in it would better prepare you for the exit. Currently Waze will indicate if it is to be a left or right turn at the end of the off ramp but if you are in the wrong lane, you might not be able to get into the proper lane at that point.
2 votes -
Barre de zone de contrôle
Pourquoi lorsque je passe en mode paysage, écran horizontal, la barre verte à gauche de l'ecran de zone de contrôle n'est plus affiché.C'est important pour moi dans le cas où il y a des radars tronçon, contrôle de vitesse sur une longue distance.
Pourriez vous y remédier.
1 vote -
Dark mode
Dark mode doesn't always work correctly according to the phone settings for whatever reason so just make a toggle on/off switch from the car display touchscreen. Do this yesterday as it's very needed.
3 votes -
Toggle between dark and light mode on car touchscreen. Just have a button please
Have a button on the cars touchscreen to toggle between dark and light mode. No brainer.
3 votes
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