Waze Suggestion Box
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3971 results found
Explicar mejor las rutas , con más detalles
Explicarlas con más detalles como se hacía antes diciendo número de salida que coger etc, cuantos más detalles mejor .Si no se explica bien y no vamos seguros puede dar lugar a accidentes
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Navigate to direction only works in parked gear
At the moment the only way you can select a place to navigate to is possible when you are in parked gear in your car. The moment your car is in movement, you are unable to choose the point to navigate to. This includes being stationary on red light when the car is in drive gear.
Comparing this to Google maps navigation where you can choose any of your recent addresses to navigate to and the only thing that is not available is using the keyboard.
I understand the safety aspect of selecting the places to drive to when in…
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Ladeiras Íngremes
Olá, moro em Manaus e venho relatar a falta de um recurso que seria muito importante.
São várias áreas em que existem ladeiras muito íngremes aqui, impossível para alguns subir.
Poderia existir uma opção de evitar ladeiras íngremes, como existem as opções de evitar rua não pavimentadas, por exemplo. Os usuários poderiam dizer quais são ou vocês mesmos poderiam classificar quais são as ladeiras.
Sinto muita falta disso.1 vote -
1 vote
Add to Favorites More Simple
On iPhone when swiping left on a location in history it gives you “Options”. It’d be great to add a simple add to favorites from that menu vs having to do multiple steps just to add the location to favorites.
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Rat run settings
Settings to avoid rat runs unless I'm saving a minimum amount of time.
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When selecting to use highways waze just shows routes maximizing this. Sometimes it would be good to use just a bit of highways and pay less. For instance in Portugal you can save some money by just entering a bit later on the way on the highway. This could be a customizable. When waze presents the route user could get a prompt to change were to enter/exit the highway. Currently its a on/off option only.
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distancia y tiempo
Saber en el mapa que distancia y tiempo se tarda en la ruta opcional
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Install an off button. Or any variation of a killswitch. The unstoppable voice tag drives me crazy.
Install an off button. Or any variation of a killswitch. The unstoppable voice tag drives me crazy.
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Option to turn off toll roads for this drive only
It would be beneficial to have an option to turn off toll roads for this drive only. The alternative is to go into settings and turn off.any times I forget to turn it back on. We live in an area of the country where we tend to use toll roads during certain times of the days. The tolls are very high so during non peak hours would like to use alternate route without toll even if it’s a bit more miles
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Automatically start saved route when in car (Android Auto/Apple Carplay)
It would be cool if you could save a router and set it to start automatically the next time you connect to android auto/apple carplay.
It would be a neat little time saver.
For people without auto/carplay this feature could use a specific Bluetooth device as car detection.
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Trip suggestion to home office not useful
When "Home" and "Work" are the same address (as in work from home), daily reminders that it is currently "0m to Work but that could change" are not only entirely pointless, they are annoying.
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Remind drivers that they are on a slip road and must merge into a motorway
Sometimes it is easy for drivers not to realise they are on a slip road and must join a motorway. It will be helpful for Waze to remind drivers about that.
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Errores en navegación.
Hasta ahora me había orientado bien, pero el 29 de mayo en viaje a Jaén, me dirigí al INTERPARKING DE LA PLAZA DE LA CONSTITUCION y me perdió por Jaén, llevándome a un sitio donde era peatonal y no había salida alguna. Tuve que buscar un parking por mi cuenta y no se las calles peatonales que cruzaria (ya vendrán las multas). Un vez dejé el coche pude observar más tarde la entrada al citado Parking y era de absoluta comodidad para acceder a él. No me encuentro satisfecho con el resultado obtenido por Waze. Entiendo que deberían revisar algunas…
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tollbooth, speed limit and precise location.
Add tollbooth to settings under alerts and report to be able to toggle on/off.
Option to use speed limit feature without speedometer.
Location is not precise. When making a turn the location updates after making the whole turn instead of following precise location while turning like other apps. Also, many times the map will show you at another location and it would start jumping locations like crazy.
Please take this suggestions under consideration. Waze is already the drivers' preferred app, don't let us have to deal with things like this that just make our experience uncomfortable and many times inconvenient.…
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Delete and/or change location for work/house
Delete and/or change location for work/house
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I want to have better re-routing options available. If I miss a turn, I would like the option to switch my route if it has a similar ETA instead of having it try to re-route me back to my original route and adding up to 5 minutes to my ETA.
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Végső cél
Amikor valaki kijelöl egy második címet, jó lenne, ha nem csak két opció lehetne ("Új útvonal" vagy "Köztes cél"), hanem egy végcél, ami az elsőhöz van hozzáfűzve. Ha marad a maximum két állomás megadása, ez akkor nagyon jól tud jönni, ha eléri valaki az első célt és a második után így meg tudna adni egy harmadikat. Nem kellene akkor kiválasztani a harmadik állomást, majd Köztes célnak a másodikat. (Általam már régen használt IGO ezt a lehetőséget megadta.) Köszi előre is a fejlesztést.
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Avoir le choix de refuser une proposition d’itinéraire
Lorsque l’on choisit un itinéraire différent du plus rapide (et coûteux) pour avoir le meilleur compromis waze modifie sans cesse l’itinéraire pour revenir à celui le plus rapide (et coûteux)
Il serait bien que le bouton avec juste OK affiche un choix refuser pour garder l’itinéraire choisi.
Ou bien créer un choix d’itinéraire meilleur compromis délai coût avec % d’écart acceptable1 vote -
Mise à jour d'adresse d'un commerce
Je vous informe que le commerce ETAPE 3D, anciennement situé au 201 Rue Arnold Trillet, 4630 Soumagne, est situé à présent au 27 Rue de Filipesti, 4630 Soumagne.
Bien à vous,
Alessandro Magermans
1 vote
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