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3956 results found



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  2. Journey planner

    Would be great to mark multiple destinations and let the Waze figure out how to start and end journey to save time and travel fastest way.

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  3. New sound pack for BMW and other car drivers

    I would like to suggest a sound pack for Audi, BMW and other premium car drivers, where the "turn left" and the "turn right" is replaced with "signal left" and "signal right". Thanks in advance.

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  4. Enlarge adress zone

    Purple zone for current position is too small between speedometer and POI button. Now my current position is always cut.Place speedometer and POI button higher so there will be an opportunity to make position zone wide as a screen.

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  5. Lord Commander Jon Snow voice navigation

    Please may we have a Jon Snow voice command for navigation to give us directions, warn us of obstacles, and lead us on our journeys. Add one more title to his ever-expanding name: King of the Road. If anyone is deserving of this title, it's him. Thank you for looking and considering!

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    This is very useful when driving at night and when in provinces.

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  7. Horse-riding

    It would be great if you could mark yourself as a slow-moving hazard for other Wazers to be alerted to on their screens as they drive.

    Imagine you are riding a horse on a narrow country lane. Considerate drivers slow right down when passing riders on horseback to avoid spooking the horses.

    If you could declare yourself a rider on horseback, and had your phone with you then other Waze users could be alerted to your presence well before rounding the very last corner and needing to brake suddenly.

    This could reduce accidents between horses and cars.

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  8. Change of colour on the map as you navigate a route

    When driving a route it would be nice if the colour of the route on the map would change so you would know we're you are going and were you have been. Some times when there are a lot of turns it can become confusing

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  9. Announce town or village

    During rush hour your app takes me through the back roads in small New England towns & villages. It would be nice to hear which town or village I entered during my commute.

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  10. 3 votes

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  11. An icon when an officer passes us going in our same direction we can let others know

    Going in one direction and officer passes us, let other users know.

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  12. הנפקת קוד QR ואפשרות תכנון נסיעה של שני אנשים לפגישה באמצע הדרך

    למפתחים שלום רציתי להציע לכם להוסיף כמה אפשרויות שישדרגו את האפליקציה (שאין עליה ) .
    1. אפשרות להנפקת קוד QR לאולמות ומקומות ציבוריים (בעיקר ) על מנת שכל זוג שמתחתן או כל אחד שעורך שמחה יוכל לשים את הקוד לסריקה בהזמנה וככה המוזמנים ינווטו במהירות לעבר היעד, ללא צורך להקליד את שם האולם (לדוגמא אדם מקבל הזמנה חודשיים לפני הארוע, סורק את הקוד מוסיף את היעד למועדפים (אולי אפילו תהיה אפשרות לקרוא לו "החתונה של קובי ויעל") ואז ביום החתונה פשוט מנווט לשם או לחילופין סורק את הקוד ביום החתונה ומיד מנווט .

    1. הוספת אופציה במקרה ששני אנשים (לדוגמא אחד…
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  13. Top Banner access

    Create a Top Banner similar to the Call one for when you leave the app you'd have quick access back to Waze without having to Double Click

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  14. Indicar las Ferias Libres

    En muchas ciudades se instalan ferias libres (venta de frutas y verduras) en la calle. Cuentan con autorización y un calendario establecido. Pido que se avisen en Waze para mejorar la navegación y evitar las calles bloqueadas por las ferias.

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  15. Rasta/Patois Voice

    Hello Dear Waze Team,

    My colleagues, friends and I are of the strong opinion that you should incorporate a Rasta-Patois voice in you fantastic App!

    When you start the route it could be the usual:

    Jaaah Rastafari, welcome to the waaze app, only way to cruise on the righteous path to zion, following to footsteps of the lion. Bless up.

    Turns and the usual:
    I and I a gonna turn left over eah.

    For police etc. don’t shoot this sherrif.

    Contact me if you have any questions or updates on this being developed!!


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  16. Áreas de risco

    Olá, participei recentemente do Fórum Nacional de segurança publica em TIC. Ouvi um relato que o Waze procurou as autoridades para tentar estabelecer rotas seguras, tenho algumas sugestões a esse respeito que.podem auxiliar a resolver o problema

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  17. Ability to self identify as a slow moving moving vehicle or runner.

    This feature would allow one to self identify as a slow moving object updating one's position as necessary (every .2 miles?), alerting approaching vehicles. This would allow a runner or a horse rider or road working crew to alert drivers to be alert as the approach. Perhaps with "hazard" lights on the main screen so the user knows they activated this feature. The feature would self disable above 25 mph. And perhaps reactivate below 25 mph unless disabled.

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  18. Idea to improve destination time accuracy

    your start time with delays to destination time changes as you travel due to new incidents along the way. For people using waze for mainly work and back everyday it would be great if you could record the destination time when you first switch on waze and then record the actual destination time when you arrive. use this as an average over a few weeks to give the user a more accurate time to reach destination

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  19. Improove road position

    Driving on a parallel road (aprox 15m) to the plan route and Waze doesn't recoginse that i am on another road (no reposotioning) and navigation keeps saying instructions according the original plan and doesn't help in the real posotion.

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  20. Color code car icon by distance

    When Waze zooms in & out, the car icon stays the same size. Why not color code the car icon, green for when you are far away, yellow when you are close & need to change lanes for a turn/exit, red when you are within a quarter mile.

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