Waze Suggestion Box
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3956 results found
Warning also of any temporary obstacles
Warning of any temporary obstacles for example a demonstration or accident
2 votes -
de la part de Alain REYNAUD 245, Route de Sarras ECLASSAN
J'habite la commune de ECLASSAN (07370) à l'adresse suivante : 245, Route de Sarras
Tous ceux qui affichent cette adresse sur leur téléphone portable sont systématiquement envoyés sur la commune voisine d'ARDOIX (07290)
Cette commune comporte effectivement aussi comme nom de rue "Route de Sarras"
J'ai donc l'impression que cette adresse, sur la commune d'ECLASSAN n'a pas été rentrée sur votre site
A vérifier.2 votesThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
Option for two different voices announcing navigation clues
Being Hard of Hearing, having two different voices to announce navigation to the left and Navigation to the right is extremely helpful. A great example was the Buzz and Woody voice option that was there a couple of years ago. I was not always able to hear exactly what they were saying, but I could distinguish between the voices to tell me which way to go.
2 votes -
For multiple turns that are close to each other, only highlight the left or right lane that is needed for that turn
Waze highlights which lane(s) to be in for turns, which is extremely helpful. However, multiple lanes may be highlighted when a turn or ramp requiring a specific lane is coming very soon. For heavy traffic, changing lanes last-minute can be unsafe, inconvenient, and/or almost impossible. Highlighting the one lane that makes an upcoming turn easiest would be a very valuable addition.
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Introducing waiting time, whether petrol station has fuel and queue length at petrol stations in London and UK
Users can update in real time queue length, fuel availability and waiting time during the Fuel crisis in London and UK.
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Add navigation list to android auto app
Make the navigation list available on the Android Auto app.i really miss it from the phone app
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Segnalare i dossi "permanentemente" dato che sulle strade buie per quanto si vada tranquilli alcuni non sono segnalati e si corre il rischio di danneggiare l'auto.
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Avisos de radares o policías.
Los avisos de radares o policias, los debe hacer solo si se encuentran sobre la misma dirección en que va nuestro vehículo en la carretera.
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Idris Elba voice navigation
Please ask Idris Elba to lend his voice for navigation
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MILLED ROADS should be marked “unpaved”
Frequently, roads being repaved are first MILLED. They are intentionally “roughed up” before the new, smooth pavement is put down. Unfortunately, milled roads are very rough! I’m sure people who want to “avoid unpaved roads” want to avoid milled roads, too. Please consider adding a way to designate milled roads as “unpaved”. (Note that milled roads are only milled for a day or so; sometimes several days. So they would be “unpaved” only temporarily. Perhaps roads designated as “milled” could automatically revert back to “paved” 72 hours later.)
2 votesThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
Better Route Planning Idea
Just like the toll booth warning in any route plan, there should be a warning that the route REQUIRES A FERRY to get to your destination...absolutely ridiculous...
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Change position of Alert Banner option
Have the option to move where alerts pop up. As it stands, alerts popping up at the bottom replacing the box where ETA is shown is incredibly annoying, especially when you're trying to either reroute or search something up. Let us pick where the alert pops up.
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Add tar and chip to road hazard
Add a road hazard notification for when road crews tar and chip roads and there are stones flying all over the road
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adding ability to upload routes via excel spreadsheet
it would be nice to upload a route to Waze via excel. Hope you guys can make this happen. Cheers
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Voice from Free Guy
lets get @FreeGuyMovie voices and maybe get some of the Iconic cars from the movie in there! 👕
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L'indicazione dei minuti di arrivo e dei Km sono troppo piccole per essere viste mentre si guida
Basterebbe aumentare la dimensione dei caratteri dei minuti mancanti all'arrivo e dei Km mancanti sono scritti troppo piccoli e mentre si guida ci si deve concentrare per vederli considerando che la macchina si muove.
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Compartilhar ou embutir!
Ola! venho pedir para voces colocarem a opção de compartilhar e embutir quando clicamos em editar o mapa! pois ao clicar em "editar o mapa" a opção se incorporar o mapa com código de frame não tem. esta opção só aparece em mapas padrão antes de editar!! como trabalho com isso a função de satélite com código de iframe não funciona , poderia colocar para nós por favor?
Hi! I come to ask you to put the option to share and embed when we click on edit the map! because when clicking on "edit the map" the option to embed…
2 votesAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
Precisa ter na tela a opção de avisar sobre obras no acostamento ou acostamento bloqueado.
Precisa ter na tela a opção de avisar sobre obras no acostamento ou acostamento bloqueado ou algo do tipo. É muito comum haver obras no acostamento que limitam a largura util da pista e não tem como avisar os outros sobre isto. Veiculo parado no acostamento não serve, não é a mesma coisa.
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Mais opções de voz animada
Gostaria de sugerir a inserção de mais opções de voz, tipo super heróis, desenhos, personagens...eu adoro e meu filho ama...
2 votes -
Il serait peut-être bien que votre application intègre les Campingcar avec les dimensions
Il serait peut-être bien que votre application intègre les Campingcar avec les dimensions
2 votes
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