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3956 results found

  1. Need option to minimize tolls. Current settings are all or nothing.

    Make an option to select some tolls. Currently waze offers all or nothing. For example, my commute either takes me up the turnpike for $13 or no tolls in a round about manner. I want to see an option with the garden state parkway only tolls which are significantly less money.

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  2. 2 votes

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  3. Let user know where congestions and accident are.

    Would be nice if when chosen a route to see where the congestions and accidents are before pressing GO. It could be possible through the screen where the whole route is presented by pressing the ballons.

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  4. דירוג שביעות רצון ממסלול

    כבר קרה לי כמה פעמים שווייז לקח אותי במסלול פתלתל שאני מניח שנראה על הנייר (לאגלוריתם) כמסלול יעיל יותר. במציאות, כמובן, אחרי שנכנסתי לפיתולים ווייז נזכר לעדכן עיכוב. זו ממש תבנית שאני מזהה כבר מראש (ומסרב לה). רעיון אחד שיכול אולי לטפל במסלולים הפתולוגיים האלה הוא דירוג שביעות רצון. בסוף הנסיעה, ווייז יכול לבקש מהנהג\נוסעים דירוג למסלול. הדירוגים הללו פלוס כמה רגרסיות (או כל ניתוח סטטיסטי מתאים) יכולים ללמד את ווייז המון.


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  5. Alerts on “Map View” when choosing routes

    Whenever you type a destination it gives you 3 route options with lines in “List View” that show potential hazards, traffic and visible police. You should also have those same hazards show up when you click “Map View” and see the 3 different colored routes, so there is a better visual as to where those “alerts” are actually located. This would be easier than having to guess by the line.

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  6. Show winter road restrictions

    In parts of the U.S., winter conditions warrant tire chains on truck tires over mountain passes. One example is Route 9 in southern Vermont as well as others out west.

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  7. vintage cars & no freeways routing option

    i frequently drive my vintage car, it would be great if there were a "no freeways" option as its not really suited to those kinds of roads.
    i still want to use waze, but spend a lot of time ignoring it or fiddling to get it to not take a freeway.

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  8. Driving through the game reserve I was thinking how with a little advertising, wazers could post sightings for people to get to see more. I.

    Driving through the game reserve I was thinking how with a little advertising, wazers could post sightings for people to get to see more. I just finished A 4 Hour Game Drive and was wondering how nice it would be to have a live feed of all animals that were cited

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  9. Popup traffic messages when screen is black

    I suggest a function, if Waze runs in background or the phone display is turned off black, Waze not just says, but shows with graphic popup window the road and traffic messages, alerts etc.
    Then it if no action was made by the user, the popup automatically disappear in predefined seconds later

    Many times for many reasons we do not want charge the phone, but the "screen always on" mode drains a battery a lot. (IPhone and Android)

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  10. supprime la signalisation d'un embouteillage lorsqu’il est fini

    il serrait bien de pouvoir supprimer un signalisation d'embouteillage quand il est fini .

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  11. Economic mode

    The last time, when I used Waze, I have the opportunity to switch on the economic mode. Thank to what the brightness of the screen decreased during the paths without change of direction. It was a very good idea, because the energy consumption of your application is very High.
    Do you intend to re-enter this option? Or allow the screen to turn off between the instructions between long paths ?

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  12. Waze Beaches

    Coastal cities and visitors would greatly benefit from a waze extension that allows real time updates on beach events, parking lot updates, surf warnings, travel time etc... I think having this for all coastal cities would be essential and I bet it would take off as a separate waze app or extension to waze. I know I'd use it!

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  13. Road number 90, Israel

    Dear waze technicalsupport,

    I would like to report some kind of a bug.
    Yesturday my friendsdrove from the dead sea to the north of Israel (krayot).
    Waze was directing them through road number 90.
    In the middle of the way, they got into a very dengerous place, inside the palestinian authority with no way to pass, but going inside it.
    At the end, they even went through a barrier.
    They even checked the options, and did marked "avoid high risk areas".

    Please try and check it.

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  14. Improve waze when traffic is lighter than usual

    Hi, It seems that the algorithm is mainly based on statistics of traffic. I can explain: August 15th was a day off in France and of course the traffic was very very light But when using Waze that day, the time and routes poposed by Waze were fully erroneous and really not usable at all! was enough that day to decide where to drive...
    This kind of issueof course occurs for all holidays, like during summer or Christmas holidays.
    Is there a way to improve that?
    Thank you

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  15. Change the "In 0.1 mile, turn/exit..." alert

    This not only gets annoying, but the redundancy of it can lessen its urgency--Change this to "Prepare to turn/exit" as a better audible alert that a turn or exit is imminent.

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  16. Please consider including voice directions in Hindi for millions of Indians.

    Please consider including voice directions in Hindi for millions of Indians. I already see an option for Kannada (a southern Indian language), which is great.

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  17. Informar quando estiver 5% abaixo do limite de velocidade

    Fosse inserido no campo de velocidade. Um opcao de 5% abaixo do limite de velocidade. Pois existe um variacao da velocimetro do veiculo e o informado pelo waze

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  18. please us to use or own purchased TTS engines

    I purchased cereproc and ivona txt to speech voices and there is no option to select these voice from the waze app settings.

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  19. Gas running OUT Alert

    waze should have an input DIOLOG were the user will intro his vehicle gas autonomy let s say my car will run 220 km on a full tank , when the vehicle riches 180 km waze will VOICE ALERT THAT REFILL MAY BE NEEDED and automatically will show nearest gas station

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  20. Mostrar estrada duplicada

    Poderia ter opcao de mostrar quando vai comecar uma estrada duplicada, principalmente em BR's. Assim, evita que pessoas façam ultrapassagens inseguras, mesmo em locais permitidos.
    Às vezes vale mais a pena aguardar uns 500m (exemplo) sabendo que vai ter pista dupla/tripla, visando aumentar a seguranca de todos na estrada!!!

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