Waze Suggestion Box
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17316 results found
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Thanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Alert pop-up on car screen - add a dismiss
Example: red light camera in x feet
The only options are to say "thanks" or "not there". I just want it to go away so I can see the estimated arrival time. Without this option, there's no way to obtain accurate feedback. I just select one or the other so it goes away without knowing which is accurate.
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Sugiro que coloquem no áudio do waze a seguinte fala Se beber não dirija!
Colocar a fala Se Beber não dirija
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One turns off a street when already on the street. Command should say “ turn off the present street and onto the next.”
Voice command, Example; Driver is driving down Bond Street. Driver makes turn OFF Bond street and ONTO Main Street. Presently Voice says “Turn right or left on Bond. It is annoying.
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A ferramenta não visualiza pontos de alagamento/pontos intransitáveis.
A ferramenta não visualiza pontos de alagamento/pontos intransitáveis, para tanto, seria interessante obter informações do CGE.
Ontem, por exemplo, coloquei o caminho para o meu trabalho e o Waze mandou ir por uma avenida, que por coincidência, estava passando no jornal como alagada. Ou seja, a ferramenta iria me indicar um local interditado.1 vote -
1 vote
Thanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Az "Üzletfejlesztés" menű nem működik, szeretnék napok óta a Magyar fejlesztési csapaton keresztül átadni nagyobb volumenű ötletemet
Nagyobb volumenű, nagy gazdasági haszonnal járó ötletünket írásban dokumentálva szeretnénk napok óta átadni a magyarországi Waze fejlesztő csapatnak, mely ezidáig nem járt eredménnyel. A kapcsolat ugyan létrejött a haza fejlesztőkkel, de érdemleges választ, hogy hol, mikor vennék át nem adnak, nem működő linket küldnek ahol az "Üzletfejlesztés" menű nem működik, vélhetően a cégvezetők úgy gondolják, hogy nálunk jobbat, többet senki nem találhat ki a világon, csak ők maguk, így nem kíváncsikak a világon élő gondolkodókra felmerült ötletekre. Nem adom fel könnyen. Mail:leventebanyai14@gmail.com.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Not all streets in Palm Beach County have to start at I-95 or the turnpike. Try Military Trail and 441 as a starting point.
I do not use waze until I get close where I am going. I use Military Tail or 441 first. I do not listen to waza which tell me to use I-95 or the turnpike.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Narrow Street Turnaround
Hello- Our street is shown on Waze as a good place to turn around but it is narrow and not conducive to turning around and is actually dangerous. Is there a way to not have it show up as a turn around?
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
1 vote
תעשו אפשרות דיווח כנגד מצלמות טלפונים
תעשו אפשרות דיווח נגד מצלמות משטרה שכנגד טלפונים
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1 vote
Thanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Scales open / closed button.
Waze is a superior navigation aid compared to all other gps I've used and I've used them all! I drive a big truck for a living and would love to see the addition of a scale open / closed button similar to a police button or the hazard button. Fantastic app! Super intuitive and user friendly. Thank you!
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Rota sugerida ter opcao de lado par ou impar o que for melhor.
Muitas vezes o waze define uma rota maior em função da numeracao exata definida. Mas muitas vezes o importante será chegar rápido, sem preocupar com o lado da avenida . Basta estar próximo do número desejado.
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Waze Carpool default PM
Waze Carpool private message default text is - Hey need a ride?
It's not pleasant to receive that text from a strange man it feels a bit creepy. You should change it to something that feels safer. Like - Hey I'm traveling tomorrow to XXX at 00:00 am. Would you like to carpool?1 voteThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
If you’re pushing drivers onto our street, stop. Pickfair Street, between Crystal Lake and Primrose, Orlando, FL 32803
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Correção de erro ( falha )
Boa noite!
Vcs precisam corrigir o erro do GPS, fica toda hora dando falha no GPS o que acaba desconectando as rotas, ficando impossivel seguir por alguma rota...
Eu vi na play store que muitos usuários estao com o mesmo problema, entao significa que o problema nao é no meu celular...
Entao por favor corrijam isso, eu gosto muito deste app e dependo dele pra viajar...1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
You get the traffic time wrong every single time in the morning for Arlington VA at the turn onto N. Lynn street coming from lee highway.
You get the traffic time wrong every single time in the morning for Arlington VA at the turn onto N. Lynn street coming from lee highway. It always adds 10+ minutes and it would have been faster to go the other way.
1 voteThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
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Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
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