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17325 results found

  1. Fix bugs

    • Does not send ETA (twice sent EAT to my wife, she never received it).
    • Freezes when trying to take picture of the destination place.

    Waze version:
    OS: Android 6.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S5).

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  2. Create web page for users be able to report bugs in application.

    Wanted to report some bugs in application and can not find appropriate page for that.

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  3. 1 vote

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  4. Ideas for improving the application

    Good Morning,
    1 return the notice to opposing tracks as it is very useful to help prevent accidents
    2 include button to inform of the track speed (most informed contain errors)
    3 warning when the speed exceeded and (now have to use the Radar Map in conjunction with Waze or GPS)
    4 record offline radar accidents and events for our mobile signal is very flawed and often not receive important notices.
    5 bug fix when we long time no internet signal Waze does not recognize the signal return which sometimes only makes an application reset
    6 to send routes appear…

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  5. Deve deixar vísivel todas as ruas durante o trajeto, assim podemos entrar em rua proxima quando alguma tiver interditada manualmente

    Deve deixar vísivel todas as ruas durante o trajeto, assim podemos entrar em rua proxima, quando as prefeituras fecharem para obras.

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  6. e mi mayor consideración y a quien corresponda... Era mucho mejor la versión anterior... Se veían bien todos los nombres de las cal

    e mi mayor consideración y a quien corresponda... Era mucho mejor la versión anterior... Se veían bien todos los nombres de las calles... Ahora se ve solamente la diagramacion y solo el nombre de alguna de ellas... Ni siquiera se ve el nombre de la calle que uno va a cruzar, creo yo que como Waze lo compro Google, y como WAZE ERA muy superior al GPS de Google esa es la única razón lógica que veo de porque ahora es así y aunque no creo que cambiará x mi e mail ya que ustedes sabrán eso, sentí igualmente…

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  7. Bonjour ­ Je suis utilisateur ­de votre application ­depuis 3 ans et je su­is fan Toutefois je voulais­ vous faire part d'un­e mésaventure

    Bonjour ­
    Je suis utilisateur en France ­de votre application ­depuis 3 ans et je su­is fan
    Toutefois je voulais­ vous faire part d'un­e mésaventure qui m'e­st arrivé
    Je travaille pour le­ service des routes e­t lors d'une interven­tion d'urgence je me ­suis rendu sur une ro­ute départementale po­ur assister mes collè­gues sur 1 accident
    Malheureusement ne c­onnaissant pas l'endr­oit exact (le site s­e trouvait en pleine ­foret) je suis arriv­é très tard sur le li­eu de l'accident
    Ma question est la s­uivante
    Serait il possible d­e rajouter les points­ de repères (PR) sur ­waze?.cela permettrai­t de visualiser très ­rapidement…

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  8. A installation error in Alcatel One Touch Pop 3, error code -504, the app can not be installed

    I download the app from play store and then appears a box saying THE APP CAN NOT BE INSTALLED. error code -504

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  9. Abq I-25 entrances

    Albuquerque I-25 leads you south to get on I-25 can go NE to get on I-25N. From lomas and second waze leads you to central ti get on freeway to go north. You can just get on at lomas and oak

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  10. I have an idea to improve the use of waze . I did a survey to check my approach

    I have an idea how to improve the use of waze
    I did a survey to check my approach
    please contact me 053-7738163

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  11. Variable de la seguridad

    En ciudades como México la seguridad es una variable siempre a tener en cuenta para decidir un recorrido. Tal vez si se agregara a "camino más rápido" y "camino más corto", les asombraría la participación comunitaria en alertas. Creo que es un desarrollo a tener en cuenta.

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  12. Incluir função evitar ferry-boat ou balsa

    Apesar se na seção de ajuda dizer que tem essa opção ela não não existe. Uso waze todo dia mas depois da última atualização ficou muito ruim. Para ir até o trabalho posso pegar o ferry-boat ou a BR 101. Sempre coloquei para evitar pedágio para o waze me guiar pela 101. Caso o trânsito estivesse muito ruim valeria a pena ir pelo ferry. Mas na última atualização tiraram o ferry-boat como pedágio e o pior.... nas rotas alternativas não sugere a BR 101. ODIEI!!!!

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  13. Waze cop alert

    From the goverment we would like to support and use the application, sharing a lot of information, but can not because of the polemic cop alert. Waze have to eliminate that tool to integrate the information that provides the government

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  14. New voice - Jenny Slate

    Let Marcel the Shell or Gidget from The Secret Life of Pets deliver your guidance. It. Would. Be. Amazing.

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  15. Open Top Option

    I dive a convertible and can't hear the voice with the top down. The text at the top of the map is too small to read with a quick glance. Please add an open top option to split the screen and provide a large text area to show the next navigation step and count down the distance to it.

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  16. Suzy Essman voice

    Please use Suzy Essman's voice as Suzy Green on curb to yell at drivers and insult them when they make wrong turns.

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  17. Bad navigation

    1718 Ringwood Ave, San Jose, CA 95131. This is not correct on Waze. It is correct on Google Maps.

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  18. Prevent autocentre when browsing map

    When looking at the map and examining traffic in the area, even if the car is in motion as a passenger, the autocentre insists often losing where i am looking ahead, so when i am flicking the map it should stay where i am at until i press autocentre button of some sort.

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  19. Friends side panel is irritating

    Friends side panel is irritating. I never use it and it gets in a way when I try manually zoom in: It's is super annoying when friends panel opens up when I try to scroll the map to get an I better idea where I will need to go while waiting on a red light with phone in a holder attached to a windshield.
    It would be awesome if I could disable this friend panel at all!

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  20. Compartir el viaje ganando $

    Waze, sabe cuando y a que hs viajo todos los dias a mi trabajo porque no unir waze con waze geta a ride, asi les avisa a mis vecinos que estoy yendo al trabajo como todos los dias, lo mismo para la vuelta. por ello que los acompañantes paguen cierto dinero para amortizar el viaje pero qeu será mas economico que viajar en su propio auto, practicamente seria un union con uber y porque no con uber pool. De hecho yo estaba desarrollando esa parte

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