Add a button to refresh page where you are
With latest Beta, we're missing the old permalink button (on button right) that allowed us to refresh the entire page staying at our location.
If you F5 you refresh the page but move to the url location.
Only actual possiblity is to copy paste the actual permalink.

This request is currently under consideration.
Miss Mayra010 commented
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EloheiYishi commented
Hi, Bob,
No, the button only reloads the elements on the map, but this is not a page refresh. Currently the page refresh has become mandatory when merging segments and you can't continue editing if you don't refresh.
Bob McCormick commented
Don't we have this now in WME? upper right hand side, icon with circular arrow?
YogiJB commented
Google has done this both in Maps and (now defunct) MapMaker: with every movement (zooming, dragging, selecting) the address in the address bar is updated. This way, hitting F5 will always get you to the last view.
Additionally, I sometimes try to generate several PLs, I sometimes forget to update the PL, so I'm copying the same PL twice, only to discover later that one PL didn't get generated. So the above suggestion would avoid such mistakes.
EloheiYishi commented
Workaround: If you remove everything after "editor" from the URL in the address bar, you can refresh the page without losing the current view.
I would suggest that this option would be implemented in a more general way - on opening a URL (for example from a mail regarding a comment reply), WME processes the GET variables and values and rewrites the URL to the basic URL.
I think this could be implemented quite easily with a server side URL rewrite, which would mean all the information will just disappear from the URL and the page can be refreshed always. If this doesn't break permalink generation, it would be the easiest solution which wouldn't require any changes to the WME itself.
matsalka commented
One option to consider is to simply make the URL in share dialog clickable.
JohnDoe75 commented
With latest Beta, we're missing the old permalink button (on button right) that allowed us to refresh the entire page staying at our location.
If you F5 you refresh the page but move to the url location.
Only actual possiblity is to copy paste the actual permalink.