Permit Alphanumeric Prefix in RPP HN
App users can create RPPs with alphanumeric prefixes but WME allows neither the creation, nor editing of RPPs containing them.
Suggest at least allowing N, S, E, W prefixes on HN portion of an RPP to pass checks on save.
In Wisconsin, a large part of the state's addresses use alphanumeric HNs.
Scottrm20 commented
Appreciate everyone chiming in on this, this is a big pain for users in the Midwest of the United States. It's such a minor item but causes great issues for our users of Waze.
Thanks for up voting!
Mike Miley commented
As I sit in my office in Illinois, I can't edit the map to add the address in the HN area and have to rely on someone putting in the business name. I can't tell you the number of customers who get lost on their way here.
Scott commented
Yep, this has been a needed options for many years. It has gone through many lengthy requests on the beta boards, and the Waze forum.
CragMonkey commented
For what it's worth, USPS recognizes alphanumeric addresses:
wxw777 commented
Other than the fact that 2/3 of the land mass in Wisconsin and much of northern Illinois have addresses in either a partial grid (e.g. W8743) or full grid (e.g. N37W8743) format, users can create their own RPPs with these, but editors cannot. Very frustrating telling a user that they must do it themselves, we can't help. (We do have an ugly hack though:
For Point and Area Places, we cannot use the in WME either. But there we can log into the app and fix the address there. With RPPs, you much be at the location.
Yes, would be nice to have HNs work too, but understand more coding is needed to do that due to indexing/sequencing. So just hoping for at least RPPs to, especially where GMap addresses (fallback search) are unavailable or way off.
Cefin E Otero commented
It should allow any letter, allow HNs to start with a letter and allow hyphens as well.
For example: F14, E-66, I86A, 185DD, 199-A This applies to Puerto Rico. Also the HN field should accept at least 6 numbers,letters, -
Kel commented
Been asking for this for years. Hundreds of thousands of places can't have addresses entered because they start with a letter.
mapman44 commented
In addition, parts of Iowa have hyphenated HNs. For example, the primary HN might be 1248 each house on the street will have an additional number - 1248-1, 1248-2, 1248-3 etc. Here's a PL on an unnamed road with addresses from the closest street so RPPs are needed:,522819895
Scottrm20 commented