URs should show anonymized but user-unique handle for reporter
The current 100% anonymity of UR reporters makes it impossible for editors to detect reporting patterns of specific Wazers. If URs showed a fully anonymized but user-unique handle for the reporter, editors could identify problematic or abusive patterns. This would save editors time and energy, and allow them easily to report such patterns to community leadership or to Waze for potential action.
Specifically, editors have long suspected that certain Wazers may: (1) repeatedly flag an issue, or a kind of issue, on which they refuse to accept the editing community's past analysis; (2) submit multiple URs for no clear reason, yet never engage when approached for clarification; or (3) traumatize responding editors with a pattern of strongly negative language. Being able to detect these patterns would support and protect the editing community and free up time for more productive work, without compromising reporters' anonymity.
Critically, the "Closed by" signature would have to be adjusted to ensure that, if the UR is closed by the reporter, the anonymized handle is given rather than the true user ID (or it could simply say "Closed by Reporter").

Thank you to all who submitted and voted for this suggestion, however it is currently not planned due to PII issues associated with tracking URs in this manner. Please make sure to include the UR ID when reporting abusers on the map so that Staff can properly track the case. Often times we are unable to investigate due to no longer having the UR ID once the UR is closed and deleted.
age4670 commented
In addition, if the reporter is also an active editor, it would be useful to be able to see their username rather than anonymous.
Two reasons - 1. it would help to identify self reports (where an editor drops a pin to fix something later) and 2. it would enable a more direct and technical discussion.