School Zones Speed limit 40km 2:30-4pm weekdays
We need to know the school zones and change the speed limit around these times near school which the time is 2:30-4:00 pm Monday to Friday only around school zones this feature should be added in so people like my self don’t get confused with the on screen speedometer

Thanks for the suggestion! We're currently looking into ways to incorporate this idea into a feature. We'll keep you posted as this develops!
heetENkoel commented
Would be so great to put all votes from this different suggestion for TBSL to one to see how many people want this feature. At the moment we have 50 votes here, 150 votes there ans so on…
David Judd commented
I fully support this idea to protect our children. What a great community support idea
maporaptor commented
This would be a useful feature for all speed limit zones that change. Like there's school and shopping strips that have these timed speed limits. Would also be good if you can periodize it so it doesn't show 40 during school holidays.
LostInMyMaps - Volunteer Editor commented
Time based speed limits are already on the plan. I suggest you add some votes to these: