More informative options for the GPS layer colours (colour by speed or age)
Currently, the arrows on the GPS layer are coloured by direction. It would be useful for editors to be able to choose between that and at least two other options: colour by speed, to help editors understand historical traffic patterns and troubleshoot routing decisions; and colour by age, to help editors spot roads that may have been recently realigned or closed.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Kathy Kendall commented
I agree. The current "color by direction" is not useful to me . . . at all!
Bob McCormick commented
I agree that the current color scheme doesn't really convey info that is very useful to me.
Age of GPS traces would be paramount in my mind. I would accept that being done with color coding, though I would much rather have a filter that could choose an age.
And maybe could be part of a revamp in this area. Please! Get rid of all the outliers with GPS traces that are just scattered about. Happens mostly in areas with possibly marginal mobile Internet connectivity, but could also be related to GPS quality as well. In many areas this "noise" just clutters the map, especially when it is close to legitimate traces.
John Beck commented
At a minimum. Allow the ability to isolate more recent GPS to highlight new roads or closed roads.