Show stop points in the House Numbers layer
The House Numbers layer currently displays only the location of the HN, but not the stop point on the related segment. In HN editing mode, when you select the HN, the stop point also becomes visible, with a dotted line from the HN to the stop point. Suggestion is to display the stop point and the dotted line as part of the House Numbers layer, even when not in HN editing mode. (This might either be visible only at a high-enough zoom level, such as 18, or be an option that the user could enable from the layers menu.)
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Bob McCormick commented
Indeed - the functionality in the NH NavPoints script to me handles all the issues - I think there is also value knowing whether the stop point was adjusted or not, and whether the NH was an import or something an editor added. Use this script all the time, especially in more rural areas where property parcels are larger and its important to have a correct stop point.
turbomkt commented
Please see the HN NavPoints script for how this could/should be implemented. This is something I use all of the time, and suggest to all new editors.