Map Editor Suggestions
Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!
This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.
1216 results found
Link Google place to a residential place in Waze
Many addresses in the Google Maps are marked far away from real locations, and it badly affects user experience in Waze. Today we only can link such wrong addresses to public places in WME. It will be more reasonable to allow linking them to residential places.
9 votes -
Allow comma character (,) to house numbers in segments
We have thousands of addresses of places on highways in our country that are identified by kilometers, so throughout the segment we find addresses numbers like: KM 18,5
This is necessary to have more accurate routes and I believe it applies to other countries.9 votes -
Excluding Specific Road Types in Polygons Based Events
I would like to propose an improvement to the "Polygons Based Events" by adding an option to exclude certain types of roads, similar to the school zone alerts.
In my case, I want to set up a PBE for major roadworks, but a highway crosses at a lower level and will be notified of this event even though it is not affected.
9 votes -
Make Issue Tracker keyboard (next/previous) shortcuts more prominent
Some editors still have difficulty using the Issue Tracker, and some are totally against it, preferring to use the UR-MP script. One reason this may be the case is that it's not completely obvious how to navigate between the issues.
My suggestion is to make the Keyboard Shortcuts for "Next" and "Previous Issues" more prominent, showing them at the top of the Issue Tracker panel. This may encourage more editors to use the feature.
9 votes -
[REQUEST] Feed Filters
It would be very nice if we could filter the feed by notification types (more or less like URO+ does, but without having to reload the feed several times to find the ones you selected).
Options suggested:
Notifications (checkboxes):
- PURs (and subtypes);
- URs (and subtypes);
- PMs.Areas:
- State XX (particularly useful for SMs and CMs);
- Areas driven [last XX days];
- Country (useful for CMs);
- All editable areas.Those above are what I miss the most. But, since we're at it, some extra suggestions would be:
Listing reason:
- Reported by you;
- New…9 votes -
Change timing of color change for URs in Feed in WME
Presently, the bubbles in the WME Feed for URs change to Orange around 6 or 7 days, and Red at 10 days, to indicate attention is needed for a stale UR. Most AMs think this timing is too long. Either set the color change to a standard enterprise-wide timing (4-7 seems to be the most popular), or allow editors to set the color changes to personal preference.
9 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Unlimited Sign for Germany
in Germany, we have no speed limit on many roads. At the moment we do not enter a limit on roads without a speed limit. However, this often leads to confusion, because users do not know if a speed limit was not entered for a segment or if there is no speed limit on this segment.
It would be great if there was a possibility to enter a "unlimited sign" for Segments without a speed limit!
For example, you could simply insert a symbol like this "/" into the speed field in WME and in the Waze-App users get…
9 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
3000 modifications to reach level 2 !!
I am disappointed to have to make 3.000 modifications to reach level 2 ... 25,000 for level 3 and 100,000 for level 4!
It's a 24 hour job!
At level 4 approval from the team and local experts is needed ... stupid!
it's easier to get into the FBI!
With my 56 edits that I'm so proud of ... I'm ridiculous!8 votes -
Select left hand drive or right hand drive vehicle
My car is a left hand drive vehicle however while using the app on an android headunit the directions are on the left side of the screen while the map is on the right hand side of the screen which is very hard to see. I suggest an option if your car is a left hand drive vehicle to swap these two and revert back if it is a right hand drive vehicle.
8 votes -
Search POI area
On WME you can create some category of building (shopping, industry, professionals, supermarket, parking, port, beach, sport area...) why not a search option to select a specific of one? think you're in a city and looking to found a restaurant, being able to select restaurant and see all restaurant around yourself. looking to hostels being able to do same etc etc... being able to search same kind of POI than WME editor got. could be useful to found some kind of area
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Give editors a pushbutton to clear the WME search location field
Please give editors the ability to remove the text that is already entered into the "search location" field. This could be as simple as when clicking to put the cursor in the field, all the text is highlighted so that you can start typing. Another option would be to give an icon that clears the field. Of note, the looking glass icon appears to do nothing, we could replace it with a clear field icon.
8 votes -
Truck restrictions
I know that in the past this option has been recommended and the staff has rejected it, but I want to approach this question of trucks from another perspective.
Why not create a restriction for trucks in the permalinks as currently exists for taxis, motorcycles, electric cars etc ... and that in the application for users in the vehicle category, the option "truck" is also created. We as editors mark the permalinks with restrictions for these vehicles and the user who chooses this vehicle option in the application will have a more accurate navigation.8 votes -
8 votes
Consolidate the two WME suggestion boxes
Please consolidate the two Uservoice-based WME suggestion boxes. There has been a "Waze Map Editor" subcategory of the "Waze Suggestion Box" for at least a few years, and due to default links and navigation that is still an easier suggestion box to find than this one. Or, is there a reason to have two different suggestion boxes for WME?
8 votes -
WME Chat Time Stamps
WME Chat should have a time stamp so we know when someone commented.
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Add garden center place category
Include "Garden center" or "Landscaping" as a place category. Right now the most accurate thing to call places like this is just "Shopping / Services", however almost every individual place in this category can be given a more specific category.
8 votes -
Optimize Road Shield Display on all Live Map Zoom Levels
Different zoom levels of Livemap appears to display road shields differently some of the "higher" zoom levels shows so many shields that it is distracting and does not look polished. All zoom levels should be optimized to group shields so that the map isn't littered with shields.
Please see example screenshots
8 votes -
Mark segments as "slip lanes" that delay voice instructions
At the moment, ramp segments generally delay voice instructions until you have merged or turned onto the segments at the end of the ramp, such as a freeway or highway.
Australia and some other countries utilise "slip lanes" at some intersections, which is basically a left turn (for countries that drive on the left) that does not use the main intersection.
When a slip lane is mapped on Waze, we usually implement the turn instruction where the driver enters the slip lane, as that is where they need to be told to turn. However, this can mean that Waze…
8 votes -
URGENT : Possibility to indicate a closed road on Android Auto
Dear Development team,
Can you please take this point as priority.
I'm using daily Waze on Android Auto.
On Android Auto it is not possible to indicate from the interface when a road is Closed.
This is a very dangerous situation, when we are driving. As we are totally lost at this moment, Waze is then not able to recalculate, as it will recalculate a way to take the closed road.
So while driving, as most of the time it is difficult to stop somewhere), we need to unplug the phone, launch waze, indicate the trip as it can have…8 votes -
A maioria das cidade do Brasil tem diversos QUEBRA-MOLAS que não são padronizados, muito menos sinalizados. Sugiro notificação para eles
A maioria das cidades do Brasil tem diversos QUEBRA-MOLAS que não são padronizados, muito menos sinalizados. Levando uma infinidade de transtornos aos condutores, seja danificando o veiculo, seja causando até um possível acidente, caso o veiculo venha em velocidade e ao passar por esse mesmo quebra-molas venha perder o controle causando assim um acidente, que pode ser leve ou fatal
8 votes
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