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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1216 results found

  1. Multi-Select Option for Place Services

    Current Functionality:
    Services for a place are set with a yes/no checkbox. If a place has a service, editors check the box. Otherwise, the service's box is left unchecked.

    Proposed Functionality:
    Services for a place are set with choice chips for Yes, Unknown, and No. Unknown is selected by default. If a place has a service, editors select Yes. If a place doesn't have a service, editors select No. If editors are unsure or otherwise don't check, the default Unknown is left selected.

    The current system is somewhat ambiguous for editors. My own interpretation and expectation of the current…

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  2. Conduciendo con ruteo, poder cerrar calles laterales, o transversales a la ruta

    Cuando conduces con ruteo, y cruzas una calle cerrada pero que no aparece como cerrada en la pantalla, solo puedes cerrar el segmento siguiente en tu ruta, para poder hacer ese cierre, debes "detener" tu ruteo, ahí empezar el proceso de cierre donde sí te aparece en la pantalla todas las posibilidades y hacer el cierre. Luego hay que volver a solicitar nuevamente ruta a nuestro destino. Si bien como está ahora facilita cerrar lo que tenemos delante de forma muy agil, acceder a esa posibilidad estaría interesante, ayudaría a mucha gente, no solo a los que usan Waze sin…

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  3. On WME could there be a way to show UR that we already replied to as a notification in the notifications area on WME.

    So i would suggest receiving notification from existing UR from the WME notification tabs (top right) that we have already replied to once the reporter has acknowledged us editors' response to their report that would link us directly to that report, the current method so far is via email when waze actually notify us or in the app also the app notification only shows when the app is open.

    This would eliminate us having to go into our email every minute as to locate that specific UR as there are usually over 10, 20 UR in one spot that number…

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  4. Emergency services

    An exciting enhancement for the Waze Map Editor could be the addition of markers for emergency service stations and permanent buildings, categorized into two types:

    Interactive markers (a single tap on any icon adds it to your route):

    - Hospitals: Represented by a red and white "H".

    - Police stations: Displayed as a house outline with a badge inside.

    - Fire stations: Depicted as a house outline with a fire axe or fire truck inside.

    Passive icons:

    - Schools: Highlighted with a zone area around them. When a route passes through, it triggers an alert similar to "Road hazard ahead".

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  5. Tijdens trajectcontroles gemiddelde snelheid tonen en ook op carplay aantonen hoelang deze nog is

    Tijdens een trajectcontrole je gemiddelde snelheid over die afstand weten is extreem handig zodat je jou kan aanpassen. En op carplay aantonen hoelang de traject controle duurt

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  6. Learn and adapt to sequential traffic light switching

    In Germany, switching traffic lights in sequence is a common thing ("Grüne Welle" - green wave). At some intersections, it would be great if the sequencing pattern is recognized by an algorithm to guide wazers based on their position in the traffic light sequencing, i.e. that on a long straight, the signal to turn left is only active in the first 30sec after turning green.

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  7. Complex intersection in WME / Intersección Compleja en WME

    I suggest that the "Permanent Hazard > Complex Intersection" option should be restricted to connection nodes only, preventing its placement on segments. This will ensure accurate and consistent usage of the feature.

    Sugiero que la opción "Peligro permanente > Intersección compleja" se limite únicamente a los nodos de conexión, evitando su ubicación en segmentos. Esto garantizará un uso preciso y consistente de la función.

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  8. 3 votes

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  9. Editing Your Suggested Features

    Waze Live Map lets you add a new place, but in some cases, your device might not record the correct place or coordinates. When you want to edit the suggested place by placing the location symbol in the correct place on WME, it doesn't let you edit and recommends that it can only be edited by a Level 2 or higher.
    My idea is that it should let you edit your suggestion on WME regardless of your level, and then the reviewer can approve it.

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  10. Hazards to include wildlife.

    Kangaroo moose and deer are a bigger hazard to road users than pothole. Would be good to warn other drivers that they are on side of the road.

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  11. Switch editor profile ROW/IL/NA

    When an editor makes changes and we want to see what was done (usually flagged in the high volume report), senior editors will often check the editor profile. If that editor is from another environment (ROW visitor to NA, etc), and their last edits were in the home environment, we have no way to see what edits were made in our environment.

    Please add an ability to change the edit history per environment. This could be a drop down on the environment currently displayed, or adding an environment option to the URL (env=usa).

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  12. Add an Weather events

    add the Weather events for giving an warning if someone passed the extreme weather

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  13. adicionar local

    Odontopediatria Lapa Rua Monteiro de Melo, 448 Lapa referência em odontopediatria emergência e tratamento infantil com anestesia sem agulha

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    Cada vez se utiliza más el combustible GLP las ELECTROLINERAS en España para que el vehículo tenga la etiqueta ECO. Pero hay muy pocas gasolineras que lo sirvan.
    Conviene que Waze sepa esto de mi vehículo para que me lleve allí.

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  15. salve, in Map Editor manca la possibilità di indicare l'altezza.

    salve, in Map Editor manca la possibilità di indicare l'altezza. Informazione utile per chi utilizza caravan e camion. Volevo segnalare un punto pericoloso (2.8 mt) ma non riesco

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  16. Need to add the option to change a roundabout if it is no longer there.

    If construction has occurred and a roundabout is no longer there, we need the option to change the map to a straight street.

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  17. Height limitation of bridges

    I think WME should have a bridge height segment. Some of the bridges, at least here in Finland, are really low and even a van is in danger of getting stuck on its roof. It would make driving easier.

    With the same effort, it would certainly be great if the roads also got a possible weight restriction segment.

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  18. Radar

    Alguns radares o waze não avisa mesmo com o alerta ligado e acima da velocidade, favor consultar os órgãos de acordo com a resolução 798/20 e 804/20

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  19. Turn openings (temporary green arrow)

    I loved "turn closures", but now I see the need to have "turn openings".

    For example, a left turn is usually prohibited (red arrow). However, due to an event occurring on the next block, this left turn is temporarily allowed (green arrow) for a few hours on a specific day.

    This is a common situation and, depending on the location, can save a lot of time by avoiding an unnecessary detour of several kilometers.

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  20. Route bar


    i would like to have a "Route Bar" on the screen. TomTom has it and it is great. You can see Petrol stations that are directly on your route, traffic incidents, speed camerasda, nger zones, rest stops and so on along your route.

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