Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
Bonjour , pouvez vous ajouter l'appli muzio player pour écouter de la musique depuis waze ?
Merci d 'avance
1 vote -
Affichage tête haute Car Play
Depuis des années j’utilise Plans pour le guidage et je laisse Waze ouvert en arrière plan pour signaler en audio seulement , les radars et les dangers de la route.
1 vote -
Hazard Listing
Can you look into prioritizing the hazards into auto sorting the most recent used items, many roads I travel the most used hazard is pothole, this should be top of the list for me. Next would be car on shoulder, construction and traffic lights rarely come up and these are listed first. you could auto sort based on users last selected or have some sort of favs option. perhaps even list the most top 3 reports on the reports screen. This would increase time on the device and safety as we drive and try to report.
2 votes -
Allow closure reporting even after the trip has been rerouted
A couple of times a road has been closed near my destination, and when I skip it and wait for Waze to rerout, it reroutes me back around to the same road.
If I were able to report the closure after I've already passed it and it's safe to do so, that wouldn't happen. This seems like a critical oversight by Waze and I've seen this reported in the past only to see Waze reply with "this is not something we can do at this time".
Seems foolish in my very humble opinion.1 vote -
Incluir o alerta de radar no ícone ALERTA
Bom dia Equipe de suporte do Waze
Por que não facilitar a vida do usuário, criando um indicador dos radares de velocidade (fixo ou móvel), no ícone de fixação "Alertas", como era antigamente?
A intenção é apenas tornar o WAZE, esse aplicativo formidável, cada vez melhor.
Um abraço,
Florêncio - usuário
1 vote -
J'étais un utilisateur régulier et je ne jurais que par Waze. Depuis plusieurs semaines, les bugs de Waze me sont en train de me faire changer d'idée et Dr me faire changer d'application de navigation. Voici les buts que je rencontre:
une fois sur deux l'application ne démarre pas. J'ai un message qui dit que l'application ne répond pas.
Quand je demande de faire une recherche de restaurant ou d'une épicerie aux alentours de ma position, il me réfère des commerces à 250 km de ma position. Jamais dans l'environnement que je suis.
Quand une recherche s'affiche, il y a…
1 vote -
Speed that i should travel to reach from point A to B
I would like to see a feature that calculates the optimal travel speed that i should go from point A to point B, based on a specified arrival time at point B. Additionally, if the vehicle exceeds the maximum allowed speed, it should emit a continuous beep, similar to existing safety mechanisms.
This can see the block up ahead and do the math calculation and suggest us at what speed we should travel.
1 vote -
Automatic alert clearing
I find it frustrating that a speed or red light camera alert doesn’t clear itself automatically once past the location.
If you don't manually clear the alert it will permanently stay up covering other useful trip information.1 vote -
Traffic notifications while using CarPlay
In CarPlay when a notification comes up you're forced to react to it with a gesture input to clear it or until another notification comes up. This is frustrating as unless you clear the notification it will permanently prevent viewing other trip information. You can be WELL past the location of the notification and it still remains up unless you physically clear it. Surly it should automatically clear itself once the notification is no longer relevant without a drivers input.
IOS in 2017 VW Golf 7.5
1 vote -
Add multiple saved addresses for quick access
In the home and work tab of the profile page, there is no option to add a saved place other than home or work, such as school, or another home address.
This would prove useful for say quickly navigating to the cabin on weekends without the address getting buried under all of the visited addresses of the past week.
Please add this in upcoming updates as I like using Waze to navigate, but I feel it lacks this simple feature that could make the app more efficient for many.
Thank you in advance
5 votes -
Ability to name drive plan
The ability to plan the drive and get the notification to leave on time is super helpful but I wish I could name them without plan it in the calendar event to have it named.
2 votes -
Speed traps notifications
Early notifications about speed traps inform you whenever you are in the area of the speed trap.
But now, if you are entering the speed trap area at the allowed speed, they don’t inform you about it, even if you are entered at the allowed speed, but increase your speed in this area.7 votes -
Voix du Major 117 (David Kruger)
Pouvoir re télécharger les voix préférées !
- voix française du Major 117 (David Kruger)1 vote -
הי כנהג אוטובוס אני נחשף לעובדה כי אין הכוונה לרכב כבד כך יוצא שלא פעם התוכנה מובילה אותנו למקומות לא נגישים
הי כנהג אוטובוס אני נחשף לעובדה כי אין הכוונה לרכב כבד כך יוצא שלא פעם התוכנה מובילה אותנו למקומות לא נגישים
1 vote -
POLICE STATION button right on the opening screen, just like the yellow triangle report button.
I was involved in a very dangerous road rage incident. Just as you can quickly hit the yellow triangle to report "what do you see", you NEED to be able to press a POLICE STATION button just as fast on the main screen. That way you can drive to the nearest police station ASAP. It would be a great help as I needed my eyes to be on the road and focused on the car that was trying its best to bash into my car with my family in it. He chased us for miles trying to run us off…
1 vote -
Speed signs on WME
a) I usually place comments (in the form of points) next to the track at the exact spot where there is a maximum speed sign, indicating the content of the sign (example: 80km/h). This helps me remember potential speed change points. It would be useful to have a layer that activates a visible icon on the WME map to display these signs, without needing to open the comment box.
b) It would be wonderful if Waze used A.I. to scan Google Street View and capture all relevant traffic signs, marking them on the map for verification and subsequent handling…
2 votes -
Special preferences for Waze Volunteer Editors
I suggest special preferences for Waze Volunteer Editors for both recognition of Volunteer Editors and also benefit to Waze. Sort of like Mood characters for Editors as a reward. But in this case it would be for the benefit of Waze operations and easier reports.
- Make it possible to place "Report Map Problem" first in the list since we are constantly scanning for map improvements.
- Make it possible to preload the Report contents with Editor information. Example, I like to prefix my notes with [Note: Sr-Navi-Gator report] and then follow with what ever I am reporting. This way other editors…
2 votes -
Changes to speed and red light camera
Announce speed limit when showing speed camera like " Speed trap ahead limit 80km/hr " and add beeping sound when it is near for both the cameras
3 votes -
Gas price info
Gas price info is often out-of-date, even if I have submitted an update several days ago. Changes are not always reflected. I know that in Israel, like many countries, the gas prices are set by the govt, and change only once a month. Here in the USA, though, prices often change daily or even a few times a day, because of open competition. Over the past month, I've submitted several updates that were never reported out, leaving info in place that was days or weeks old. Is there any way to push the updates out in a more timely manner?
1 vote -
Is it possible to have occasional small notes placed on the map that are associate with things like underpasses? I have an underpass near me that’s 12-feet 2-inches high and prevents quite a few delivery vehicles from accessing my neighborhood via that route. It is appropriate rendered as an underpass on the map, but it would be great if there was an annotation that gave the information. Something like “12’ 2” underpass” would be fantastic. Thank you for keeping Waze awesome.
1 vote
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