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17364 results found

  1. Speed camera recognition


    Great app but could be even better if it could read speed camera signs.  In Sweden, all speed cameras must be notified well in advance of the camera's placement.  There are some new cameras missing and if you can read speed camera signs and generate a speed alert, that would be outstanding.  I am attaching a picture of the sign that is used as a speed camera warning.
    I can send Swedish speed camera sign if you need it...



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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Enlarge posted speed and actual speed.

    I love WAZE and use it everyday. However, the graphics in Garmin are far superior. Please try to improve the graphics. Also, please enlarge the posted speed and actual speed at the screen upper right b at least 1/3.

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  4. Ways to avoid high crime areas

    Has there been any thought to adding a feature where wazers could elect to avoid high crime areas, similarly to how we can elect to avoid tolls?

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  5. Exit info too small

    For people that have smaller screens, exit info is tiny and hard too see while driving. Any way of making it larger?

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  6. Power switch removed?

    AA with waze, latest update removed app power switch and cannot turn off in car.

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  7. Warnings about “lombada” in Brazil!

    Warnings about “lombada” in Brazil! It is an obstacle created by transit manager department of Brazil to reduce speed of cars

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  8. Under fire area and relevant closures in Google Maps are missing in Waze

    A severe fire was ongoing the previous weeks near our capital city in Greece, covering a vast area. While Google Maps is aware of the area that is under fire and has imposed relevant closures, I notice that in Waze, there are no closures in the same area at all.

    I believe that it is very important for Waze to be able to pull such data from Google Maps in case of emergencies like fires, so it can protect and inform intime the drivers.


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  9. Location i.e Street, Hwy and Suburb, Area, Town to be shown on map.

    Suggestion to put Street, Hwy etc and Suburb, Area, Town at bottom of map while driving.

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  10. Right hand drive vehicles

    The current set up on CarPlay is set up for left hand drive vehicles, here in the uk using the report functions is difficult, and also it looks odd that the directions are on the right side of the screen and the map is on the left, it’s difficult to see, please add an option to mirror everything for RHD vehicles, thank you :)

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  11. Alerte de dépassement de temps de conduite avec suggestion d'aires de repos / service


    Je propose l'ajout d'une fonctionnalité qui alerterait l'utilisateur lorsqu'il dépasse un certain temps de conduite, afin de lui rappeler de faire une pause. L'alerte pourrait aussi suggérer l'aire de repos ou l'aire d'autoroute la plus proche pour un arrêt.

    Cela améliorerait la sécurité des conducteurs en encourageant des pauses régulières, en particulier lors de longs trajets.

    Merci pour votre attention à cette suggestion !

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  12. Solicitud de voz de waze 2

    Hola buenas tardes quería saber si hay la posibilidad de que pudieran poner la voz de ted y de venon en español creo que la comunidad de latinoamericana se les agradecería bastante, soy fiel seguidor de waze y mi día a día lo uso.


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  13. Fix Calendar integration with CarPlay

    When I have an upcoming Calendar event (or one that's currently active that I'm late to!), Waze on CarPlay displays ... random calendar items, without any regard to prioritizing recent/near ones. It's intensely frustrating, and I often have to switch to Apple Maps, as broken as they frequently are, to get to where I'm going.

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  14. De juiste spelling van de straat in Zundert is Sanvelisberg

    Naam wijzigen en ook bij het noemen van de naam

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  15. categorize favorite destinations

    make it possible to categorize individually the favorite destinations with folders. like friends, restaurants… Than you also don‘t need home and work anymore. Some people are anyway working at more places and some also have more houses or apartments to live. they can choose only one at the moment….

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  16. Affichage carte

    Il serait judicieux que les trajets sur la carte ne masquent pas la dénomination des routes. On ne voit quasiment pas le numéro d'une autoroute, d'une nationale etc. Cette info devrait apparaître par-dessus le trait du trajet.
    Merci 🙂

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  17. Add widgets in android like google map. Directions, Share location etc. Quick accessibility of the saved location will be more helpful.

    Add widgets in android phones like google map. Directions, Share location etc. Quick accessibility of the saved location will be more helpful.

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  18. Cantidad de coches en retenciones

    Poder ver el tiempo de retención en atascos, calculando la cantidad de coches que hay y la velocidad a la que circulan, estos datos de feedback los deberías de poder adquirir sin problema, ya que la app ya marca velocidad y cada coche que la use se podría registrar por vuestro sistema, gracias a esto podríamos tener más información sobre atascos en tiempo real, esto ayudaría a calcular mejor una ruta alternativa para todos y reduciría los atascos, también conseguiría tiempos de cálculo de ruta más realistas, es muy incómodo ver cómo el tiempo de ruta aumenta una vez estás…

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  19. Round Trips Maybe Drivers might need return trip

    I would love the round trip. The same route I got there I would love the same return trip.

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  20. 3) Insert the car or pedestrian or byke icon based on the choice made previously

    3) Insert the car or bicycle or pedestrian icon based on the choice made previously permanently on the main screen

    3) Inserire l’icona dell’automobile o bicicletta o del pedone in base alla scelta fatta in precedenza in modo permanente nella schermata principale

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