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17368 results found

  1. Ingreso fallido a San Antonio de Areco

    Hola. En el ingreso a San Antonio de Areco (Bs As) el navegador te envía por un camino de tierra no señalizado. Los días de lluvia, los extranjeros quedan varados ya que el mismo esta en pésimas condiciones.
    Quisiera que pudieran corregir esa indicacion

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  2. NYC CRZ tolls

    In tolls & passes in settings, Please add a new pass for NYC CRZ tolls and folks who have exceptions -


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  3. Show average speed when in an average speed zone

    Show average speed when in an average speed zone

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  4. Message adding photos public

    Please create a message when someone add a local/photo advising that it is a public photo and will be shared with all Wazers. Many people adding (and confusing with private favorite places) home like My House, girlfriend house, work, house in Portugal, vacancy house and with private photos without any interest to Waze like interior of houses, garages,…

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  5. Please add the option to change the speed limit on a section and mark stationary cameras in the "Send Report" menu.

    Please add the option to change the speed limit on a section and mark stationary cameras in the "Send Report" menu.

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  6. Mark something on waze and then save it to my account so it always displays for me.

    I would like to be able to mark something on waze and then save it to my account so it always displays for me. Example, mark pothole on road and it will always display for me until I decide to remove it. After I mark it on the map, it eventually goes away after some time.

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  7. Adding license plates="cars" to user to avoid highwa sticker problems

    Hi WazeTeam! We have 3 cars in the family, and sometimes we forget which car has valid sticker onto the dedicated highway, and which hasn't. I would be great, if I could choose the car, and it would show if that car has valid stickers for A-B-C highways (of course this needs also to implement "Sticker validity" to be fully automated) :)

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  8. show always distance to your preferred distributor

    I suggest to put in evidence (color or..) the preferred distributors or show a line at bottom where display the choosen distributor with distance from your machine

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  9. Show currency after price in fuel

    In some countries such as my own, Australia, we use cents ¢ to determine the price of fuel per litre. I recently raise this as a problem in Waze Discuss as it was showing the dollar $ symbol instead of the cents ¢ symbol.

    Now that that's fixed there's a limitation in the UI where this symbol can be placed. I was hoping the UI could be updated to show this symbol after the value rather than before as that's the correct way to show this type of currency.

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  10. Around you optional

    Please make the around you in search optional!
    When I press enter after typing the address in it gives me too many options instead of the actual address which can be annoying when using it 20 times a day for work. If it’s possible to turn this option on or off for people who want it on.

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  11. Better destination selection

    Waze should choose a destination of my choice, not something vaguely similar. For example if I say Guildford, I don't expect Waze to offer first choice of Guildford Road, London

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  12. Alerts on road

    On the Australian voice it only rings a bell for alerts. It would be great if you still could hear the words vehicle stopped on shoulder ahead, object on road ahead. We should be able to customize it on what we want to hear, or not hear.

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  13. Fix it

    Please fix this apps.. When i pick the traffic.. Then the word Thanks! Your helped nearby Wazers.. The word still visible and not deleted.. Then i cannot use the apps after the word still visible

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  14. This guy on instagram @devonbraithwaite has attracted the attention of millions of ladies who would like him to navigate for us

    He has a **** voice. If you haven’t already, go check him out. He has instagram and tik tok @devonbraithwaite

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  15. compartir todas los LUGARES GUARDADOS de direcciones guardadas

    poder compartir todos mis LUGARES GUARDADOS de direcciones y nombres con otros amigos que usen Waze con sus claves y cuentas independientes a la mia

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  16. Erro na mensagem após notificar um alerta "Obrigado! Voce acaba de ajudar outros Wazers"

    Erro na mensagem após notificar um alerta "Obrigado! Voce acaba de ajudar outros Wazers", pois quando se usa o Waze vinculado com a viagem da Uber/99 a mensagem fica fixa na tela e atrapalha as informações de percurso na parte inferior do mapa. Seria interessante um correção para esse problema.

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  17. botão flutuante personalizavel de alertas

    Aqui no Brasil, as ruas e rodovias apresentam muitos buracos. Para registrar um alerta de buraco, é necessário tocar nos seguintes botões:

    1 - "Alerta"
    2 - "Perigo"
    3 - "Buraco"

    Esse processo leva de 2 a 3 segundos, o que pode causar certa distração ao motorista. Recomendo incluir de 2 a 3 botões flutuantes personalizáveis no mapa, semelhantes ao botão "Fixar Norte", para facilitar a marcação do alerta.

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  18. Opção de Desativar/Ativar a tela do resumo do percurso como botão "Ir agora"

    Disponibilizar em configurações a opção de Desativar/Ativar a tela do resumo do percurso como botão "Ir agora". É muito importante principalmente para quem usar o APP uber ou 99.

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  19. Waze Should Use Ending Destination Time Zone for ETA

    Since Waze knows when the ending destination is in a different time zone, and notifies the user that it is…it makes since that the ETA should reflect the ending time zone time.

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  20. Disable message "Thanks You helped nearby Wazers"

    I am getting the message "Thanks You helped nearby Wazers" after reporting an issue and am then unable to see the information at the bottom of the screen (including ETA and distance) until I restart the app. This started happening to me a couple weeks ago. Based on previous suggestions (some from over 10 years ago), you are supposed to be able to go into Settings - Notifications and "turn off Thanks Message" but that's no longer an option. I have turned off all push notifications in the settings, and that does not work, either. The only solution I have…

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