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17364 results found

  1. YOU have a problem with a street in Rock Hill, SC. A friend lives at 2099 Cardinal Hill Drive. You have the street as Cardinal Hill Circle


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  2. Idéia velocidade

    Boa noite, gostaria de sugerir para alertar km/h abaixo e porcentagem abaixo também, pois no velocímetro do veículo marca 50km/h só que no app marca 45km/h logo se fosse pelo app tomaria multa por exemplo.

    Obter o Outlook para Android

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  3. Kansas turnpike cashless now.

    Need to remove instructions to slow and take ticket when entering. Since cashless tolling started July 31, 2024, no tickets are given.

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  4. add several steps

    Can you add the possibility of adding several stages when creating a route?
    Creating stages is essential for creating road trips.
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards

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  5. Aire d'autoroute

    Serait-il possible de pouvoir d'une part d'indiquer les aire d'autoroute avec leurs différents services comme les points de restauration et les stations services sur les autoroutes et également ajouter une option de recherche pour les aires et les restaurants pour trouver où s'arrêter en fonction de nos critères, qualité, services,etc et SURTOUT en fonction de l'heure d'arriver. Évidemment pas a la minute prêt mais qu'on puisse avoir les aires et restaurants qui nous correspondent atteignable entre 12h et 13h en fonction des bouchons etc.


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  6. Stop detouring tourist leaving Santa CRUZ!!!!

    STOP sending people who come to Santa Cruz and Leave to go home on BRANCIFORTE DR.!!!! They are causing accidents ,killing our wildlife and speeding..It's NOT quicker than HWY 17!!! This a rural area and wild life crosses all the time and all of us who live here can't even get out of our driveways..PLEASE STOP SENDING TOURISTS..They don't know how to drive mountain roads!!!! This is horrible..Non stop traffic for hours..We live in this area for peace and quiet..This is horrible..Traffic will back up and they will be at a crawel for an hour..Please hear my plea..I'm contacting CHP…

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  7. annulation

    Bonjour , je vous recommande de nous permettre de supprimer une mauvaise manipulation par exemple si je sélectionne un mauvais bouton car il se peut que je signal un accident alors que ce n’est pas ce que je voulais faire.

    J’utilise Waze sur le Apple CarPlay

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  8. Please add an option to schedule a return trip from your destination (to include travel time based on traffic, etc)

    Please add an option to schedule a return trip from your destination (to include travel time based on traffic, etc)

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  9. Caravane

    Proposer des trajets pour véhicule tractant une caravane

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  10. How to List a token or coin on LBank Crypto Exchange

    To list a token or coin on LBank Crypto Exchange, submit an application on their official website, including detailed information about your project, team, and tokenomics. Ensure compliance with their requirements and pass the evaluation process. For comprehensive guidance and support, consider visiting an MLM software company for additional resources and expertise.
    For more information, visit:

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  11. Waze se misca ingrozitor pe ios, pe iphone. Actualizati aplicatia va rog

    Actualizati aplicatia pe ios, de misca incredibil de greu

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  12. police application

    Tenho uma plataforma que vai alegrar sua vida em qualquer país : o Br4bet Casino. A plataforma oferece uma ampla seleção de caça-níqueis clássicos e jogos de mesa, além de bônus atraentes que aumentam as suas chances de ganhar. O site é seguro, o que mantém as transações seguras, e a equipe de suporte está disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Há também um aplicativo móvel, para que você possa jogar onde quer que esteja. Vale a pena dar uma olhada!

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  13. Améliorer la lecture de la carte

    La carte est difficile à lire surtout le soir ou si on a des lunettes de soleil. Inspirez vous de map qui est bien plus lisible.

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  14. Points of interest

    Would like a feature to arrange the search for points of interest (for example petrol stations) to display by closest in distance to furthest away from you when connected to Android Auto

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  15. Routes on Android Auto

    Would like the ability to choose from the slowest to fastest or toll free routes when connected to Android Auto. This is only possible on the phone when it is not connected to the car system.

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  16. Freie Gestaltung des Mainscreen

    Ich fand es super, wenn man du emaximale Geschwindigkeit und km/h anzeige auch individuell verschieben lassen könnte. Z.B. die obere rechte Ecke oder unten rechts. Leider ist die untere linke Ecke bei mir beim fahren nicht so ganz sichtbar, daher würde ich mir diese Funktion sehr wünschen.

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  17. Refined Searches Along my Route

    I oftentimes use the search tool to find places along my route.
    It would be great to limit results within X miles of my current location and no more than a Y-minute detour off my route. I sometimes get results that are hundreds of miles away. It’s not very helpful.

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  18. Gravar o percurso/rota em atividade em tempo real, com a possibilidade de salvar o trajeto percorrido e visualiza-lo no mapa.

    Minha sugestão é adicionar a opção de gravar o percurso durante a atividade, permitindo que o usuário salve o trajeto ao final. Além disso, seria útil implementar a visualização da rota percorrida em um mapa. Outro recurso importante seria permitir que os usuários marquem locais específicos no mapa com "pinos" editáveis.

    Essa funcionalidade seria especialmente útil para:
    - Entregadores que usam o Waze para rotas de entregas e coletas;
    - Trabalhadores autônomos que cobrem uma região com visitas;
    - Aventureiros que querem marcar trilhas e caminhos;
    - Usuários que visitam novos locais e desejam usar o caminho marcado para orientação…

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  19. App poor response when typing

    Typing from the app is very slow and not moving fast. Words are inaccurate due to the sputtering on the text key bad. Problem has been persistent for a few weeks even after app updates.

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  20. Not really an idea but a bug...

    IOS 18.1 beta and CarPlay, iphone 15 pro max. I cannot do any reporting functions (report a hazard, police, etc) on the CarPlay screen. Icon flashes so it knows I clicked it, but no response. Same thing when k try to hit the "still there/not there" buttons on the carplay screen. Have tried 3 different cars, same result. Uninstalled and reinstalled the app, restarted the phone. No change. I know this is a beta OS but just reporting the issue anyway.

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