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17365 results found

  1. Les rappels vocaux tardifs

    Les rappels de sorties sont parfois trop tardif. Ils nous indiquent vocalement de sortir à un embrachement précis alors que la voiture est déjà engagée.

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  2. Simpler access to placing alerts

    I suggest making it easier to reach the alert screen when trying to report police, accident etc. right now it takes 3 screens to reach the proper icon. Consider making it a shortcut where perhaps the user can select to have shortcut icons on the main nav screen so that it would only take one tap to report a situation. Maybe allow users to have 2 or 3 favorite or most useful icons, like police or disabled vehicles. Would make it safer as well since the driver wouldn’t have to be distracted by navigating multiple screens to report an jssue

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  3. Mejora reporte de accidentes

    Cuando un Wazer reporta un accidente, serie bueno poder reportar el accidente en qué carril se presentó el accidentes. es decir en el mapa mostrar las flechas de los carriles se coloque una x que marque en qué carril se presentó.

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  4. Colocar na abertura do Waze. Condições do Tempo, temperatura atual, máxima e mínima prevista e chance de chuva. Tenho esta automação no IOS.

    Colocar na abertura do Waze uma voz informando : condições do tempo, temperatura atual local, máxima e mínima prevista. Tenho esta automoçao no IOS do celular qd ligo o CarPlay. Seria o Máximo se o Waze informasse no início às condições do Tempo local.

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  5. Radars de tram velocitat mitja vehicle

    Caldria als trams amb radar de tram, que waze indiques la velocitat mitjana calculada en el tram per així poder saber si vas per damunt o per sota de la velocitat total del tram, seria una bona ajuda.

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  6. Toetsenblokering tijdens regen

    Je kent het wel je gebruikt waze. Op de motor/fiets/brommer. Maar het begint te regenen. Dan gaat de telefoon zijn eigen leven lijden en verspringt naar iets anders. Nu lijkt mij een slotje in het scherm handig. Dat je kan aanvinken en de telefoon niet meer reageert op regendruppels of aanraking

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  7. Rajouter 20 secondes pour valider ou non la presence des signalements ( controle, objets, véhicule arrêté...) pas le temps de bien regarder.

    Pouvez-vous rajouter du temps pour valider ou non la présence d'un événement. Une bonne vingtaine de secondes serait vraiment bien.
    Merci pour votre travail c'est génial !!

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  8. Double the size of the speed indicator that’s located in the top right corner,

    Double the size of the speed indicator that’s located in the top right corner,

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  9. Ability to report a closed turnaround

    Waze lacks the ability to report closed turnarounds, a critical feature in Michigan where the “Michigan left” is largely the only way to cross a divided highway. This significantly impacts travel time and route accuracy due to inaccurate ETAs and suggestions, leading to frustration and potential safety concerns.

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    Please, consider to have a bigger buttons (mainly for a road remarks), which should be pressed during driving. There is impossible to hit the small buttons on a mobile during driving. There would be best and the safer to have a transparency buttons as a half of diplay (right/left or up/down...
    Or, alternatively - please, include voice confirmation of the accidents, road damages, reconstructions etc. This is more safety. thank you...

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  11. Mitigate the risk of burning pixels

    I use Waze daily for about 1 to 2 hours as it's an essential tool for navigating through a crowded city. However, after approximately 3 to 4 years of consistent use, I've noticed that my mobile phone is beginning to display burnt pixels, precisely in the shape of the Waze triangle icon located in the bottom right corner, also in the speed limit sign, and along the bottom bar. I kindly request that you address this issue for future users by implementing mitigation actions, such as floating menus or options to hide them. Thank you in advance for your attention…

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    Aligned with the roadkill alert option, give an alert for “skunked“ to give drivers a heads up for dead skunks ahead, so they may set there Vehicle air to recirculate and hopes of not bringing in much of that smelling! 😉

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Unwanted self launching

    Please limit the way Waze opens automatically instead of other apps. Using games on my phone has become frustrating because the app keeps opening and asking to turn on GPS, even when I'm at home. Waze should only open when I want it to. Please address this ASAP

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  15. Military & Police k9 Dog Training | Custom Canine Unlimited

    Discover exceptional canine training near you. Custom Canine Unlimited offers top-tier K9 training for military and police dogs, ensuring excellence in law enforcement partnerships.
    Visit us :-

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  16. Parking en destino

    Me resultaba muy útil dejar fijado un parking público cerca del destino. No me aparece esta función ahora y me gustaría que la volvieran a poner

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Maak gebruik van mapcodes mogelijk zodat je elk willekeurig punt als bestemming **** invoeren.

    Met een mapcode ( kun je elk willekeurig punt als bestemming opgeven. Handig wanneer een parkeerplaats en huisadres verschillende locaties hebben.

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Alert 'Favorite(s)'

    For convenience and driver safety, I'd like to suggest that users be able to set up one (or maybe more) 'favorite' alerts. By far my most common alert is:

    Hazard / Shoulder / Vehicle stopped

    ...and that takes 4 screen touches before it can be sent. Reducing the time that our eyes are off the road is good for everyone. If we could have a customizable pre-programmed alert such as this, I would love the app even more :).

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