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26 results found

  1. Increase police warning distance

    Waze users are warned of speed traps or police presence only about 600 feet ahead of time. This is far too late of a warning. With a clear line of sight, law enforcement can detect speeders at 1-2 miles out.

    By the time the Waze warning pops up, you could have already been detected.

    This feature – while very well intentioned and thought out – is useless with so little warning.

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  2. It would be great if School Zones were added.

    I gave votes to the others. I do understand there are time management issues. This would be a huge plus.

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    We plan to work on putting School Zone alerts in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.

  3. automotive

    when can we expect Waze be compatible on the Android Automotive OS (so not Android Auto, but Android Automotive as the new OS for the Polestar 2 car).
    thanks for you reply

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  4. Show average speed during average speed check zones

    Calculate the average speed when entering an average speed check zone

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    We plan to work on showing the average speed during average speed check zones in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features. 

  5. Quick-report presets

    The amount of phone interaction required for reporting is a bit onerous while driving. Tap to Report > select category > add optional additional info > send. I often skip reporting altogether to avoid distracting from driving.

    I would love to see the ability to have one-touch presets for making reports from the main screen. A single tap to mark & send a report on an accident, hazard, or speedtrap, etc.

    User might even be allowed to customize which presets are present and/or include specific text (i.e. "Left lane closed") for frequent events.

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  6. To mark street - Kids are playing

    Dear Waze Maps,

    My friends and I have come across a problem. This problem is kids playing on a community road/street. This presents a risk to kids , drivers , and property. For example , a kid who is playing on the road could get injured by a car hitting him/her. The car could also swerve and hit another car , injuring the driver and/or car. Another possibility is for the car to hit property like : signs , decorations , houses , or light posts.

    A person who is familiar with the road usually doesn't use Waze maps ,…

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  7. Add average speed zone indication on screen to Android auto

    In Android auto the average speed zone is announced by voice but there is no indication on screen like in the "normal" waze. So you don't know how long the zone is and if you respect the speed.

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    We plan to work on adding the average speed zone indication on screen to Android Auto in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features. 

  8. Night Mode on all User Interface Elements

    When you're in Night Mode the map is, essentially, reversed in color; light things are dark, dark things are light. This is not true for any of the other user interface elements. Search, popups, reporting... all are very bright and very distracting. These interfaces should also be reversed, that is, dark grey backgrounds with light gray text.

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  9. Display of Traffic Lights, Stop Signs and other signs.

    Can you please add an option to enable view for traffic lights, stop signs and other important road signs.

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    We plan to work on the display of traffic lights, stop signs and other important road signs in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features. 

  10. 3D Terrain on your maps so as to give a visualisation of the topography of your route.

    3D Terrain on your maps so as to give a visualisation of the topography of your route and local area (mountains, lakes, inclines, declines etc)

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  11. Add average speed trap indicator (bar: from begin till end) in Apple CarPlay screen

    Now you cannot see when average speed trap ends in Apple CarPlay screen

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    We plan to work on adding the average speed trap indicator in Apple CarPlay screen in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features. 

  12. When traveling across time zones, have the ETA show the correct time in the time zone you’re goi g to.

    I’m traveling across time zones. Can you make the ETA show the arrival time in the time zone I’m traveling to??

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    We plan to work on showing the ETA with the correct time zone of your end destination in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.

  13. Voice audio sample

    When selecting a new voice it would be very convenient to have an audio sample play so we don't need to start a trip to hear what it sounds like.

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    We plan to work on adding an option to hear Voice samples when choosing in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.

  14. Lockscreen Route View

    After using the new maps on iOS 6 I could only come up with a little amount of good new features the maps app has. The most helpful one is that the route you are following is displayed on our lock screen, so you can lock your cellphone to avoid people to use your phone while using the gps to get to a please, and also to save some battery. So adding this feature of showing the route on the iPhone would be a great idea, just by the fact that on the road you want to have the information…

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    We plan to work on having a lockscreen route overview on iPhones in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features. 

  15. Inidate actual time & distance

    Please indicate actual time & distances after arrival at the destination

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  16. construction zones - Ability to mark both the start and end of the zone.

    Construction Zones - Ability to mark both the start and end of the zone. This would give everyone an idea on how long to expect any change to the traffic pattern.

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    We plan to work on the ability to mark both the start and end of the construction zone in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features. 

  17. Country-based voices sorting

    Why do users have to scroll an incredibly long list to choose which voice should guide them? How many users frequently use another language for their voices in the client?
    Let's make the list country-based or, at least, configurable.

    For example: I'm Italian, I would like to have the three ITA voices on top of the list, but maybe you can't change the list based on positioning, so let give me the opportunity to sort my favourite voices manually on top!

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  18. Personal statistics

    Would be nice to get stats about your personal routes : average travel time between your first 2 or 3 destinations, average waze error on ETA (accuracy and precision - see wikipedia for the difference), time you spend driving per day, number of wazers you cross... one can invent all sort of fun and useful statistics.

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    We plan to work on having a personal statistics of the routes taken in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.

  19. Less verbose mode (few short instructions)

    I would like to have a "less verbose mode" where the voice navigation would just say a few short instructions, like "turn right" for example, without all the verbose stuff like street names; or "speed trap", without all the useless words around it.
    The reason is that sometimes I like to listen to music, or audiobooks, or having a conversation while driving, and I find that Waze verbosity is very annoying.

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  20. Toll/No toll option BEFORE choosing route.

    This is a NO-BRAINER. If I want to view the toll road and non-toll road options, I want to be able to choose it BEFORE selecting the route, not buried in ‘settings’ and worse, only AFTER I’ve set the route.

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    We plan to work on having a feature to toggle on and off Toll routes in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.

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