Quick-report presets
The amount of phone interaction required for reporting is a bit onerous while driving. Tap to Report > select category > add optional additional info > send. I often skip reporting altogether to avoid distracting from driving.
I would love to see the ability to have one-touch presets for making reports from the main screen. A single tap to mark & send a report on an accident, hazard, or speedtrap, etc.
User might even be allowed to customize which presets are present and/or include specific text (i.e. "Left lane closed") for frequent events.

We plan to work on Quick-report presets in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
כפיר commented
במהלך נסיעה רגילה המשתמש, לפחות אני, מדווח על דיווחים כמעט קבועים כמו רכב בשוליים או עומס תנועה אבל לשם כך נדרש לבצע מספר לא קטן של לחיצות כדי לבצע פעולה זו.
מדוע לא לאפשר שורת תפריט עם אייקון מקוצר לסוגי דיווחים שבשימוש נפוץ לאותו המשתמש, בעמוד "שליחת דיווח" לדיווח מקוצר ומהיר במקום לבצע תהליך מסורבל?למשל, במקום לחיצה על אייקון "שליחת דיווח" ואז על "סכנה" ואז על "בשוליים" ואז על "רכב עומד" ושלח, שיהיה אייקון לחיץ אחד שעושה זאת מאחר ואני בכל אופן מרבה לדווח על כך ומצפה לפתרון של לחיצה אחת קצרה בלי היסח דעת (אני גם צריך בו זמנית להימנע מהרכב בשוליים).
הייתי מאד שמח אם היה פתרון כזה מהיר וקצר שלדעתי היה משפר את בטיחות הדיווחים והיעילות שלהם. -
Anonymous commented
Ditto the safety factor alone for making at least one or two shortcuts. Vehicles along the road are a constant hazard and it makes things more dangerous having to go through multiple steps.
Car along the side, police reports, objects in road. That is plenty of shortcuts.
Anonymous commented
I'm interested to report traffic police traps whenever I see one, and to help me do this more often I need a way to do it in "1 click mode". Maybe allow users to pick a thing they want to repeatedly report and assign it to the "1 click" mode.
D. commented
Idea #1. Put the last three buttons pressed at the bottom of the screen. I always press Heavy Traffic every morning. If that button was at the bottom of the screen, along with my other frequently used ones (Police - Visible), etc. I could add that alert in one click instead of three or four. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
When driving it would be nice to have fast buttons for car on side of the road or police. It’s not fun have to hit 3 to 4 buttons to post something.
Kevin Taber commented
Add two one-touch buttons to report a vehicle on the shoulder and police. You could even 3D touch on iOS for police choices. A lot safer to have a shortcut instead of menu diving to report the 2 most common issues.
Gregg commented
Great app. Please make it safer by having quick post icons. When I’m driving and want to post hazard, police, or traffic I find it to involved to go through sub menus of detailed items. There should be 3 quick icons that only take one tap to post so keeping the eyes in the road an easier task. It should be as easy as changing the radio station. One red, one blue, one yellow with one glancing touch.
Anonymous commented
When I drive, I use only 2 buttons - Police (by the way should be divided to Police trap or moving police patrol) and Obstacle on the road.
So my suggestion is to add recent buttons and have a quick access to it on the screen. Until voice control will be implemented.
Jamie Longo commented
100 % agree. Whether police are on the side of road or visible or hidden makes no difference. If there is a police car ahead I just need to know. Period. Way to many steps.
Anonymous commented
Have the traffic & Police icons always available in main map to avoid driving distractions
Anonymous commented
Could you add shortcut for accident or other publication to the Main Page. Its dangerous to navigate during driving. Thanks
Steve perkins commented
This is the number one thing missing from Waze. Why do we have to look away from the road for 4-5 seconds and tap the screen 4 times to report something? Incredibly counterproductive and unsafe.
LTCavalier commented
99% of the Hazards I encounter are ‘Objects in the Road’ and ‘Vehicles on the Side of the Road’. For others the Hazard are different but for eveyone there are too many steps to report these Hazards safely.
We need a Favorite Hazards button on the main screen. Maybe like a Top 3 Hazards.
Allow us to combine the 5 steps into a ONE PUSH Favorites Button on the map. Better yet, have the app recognize the most used combinations and allow a Single button to send the Top 3 Hazards.Processes 5 selections while traveling 70 on a Toll road is not safe. At worst It is going to result in an accident and minimum it deters me from reporting hazards to help others.
Hope you find a way to do this for us.
LTCavalier -
Anonymous commented
Object on the road poses a great danger to the drivers..ex. a metal piece on the road can blow up a tire or can be projected like a missile..so having a right location is very important to drive by carefully. Now it take's over 5 seconds to report it, should be instantly pinpointing the right location. Best regards.
Max commented
Very good app, will be good to add some short cut. Like to signal a car on the shoulder of the road. It's too long to acces to it, keep us focus on or phone for to long when driving. What can cause an unfortunate accident.
andrew baucom commented
It takes *way* too many clicks to submit an event... i.e. a vehicle stopped on shoulder takes *5* clicks to submit. Same with a hidden cop on the other side of the road.
This is way too many clicks and causes us to have to take our eyes off the road for too long. And is next to impossible while riding a motorcycle.
I propose a user configurable one-click interface where the user can paste simple a layer of one click icons (or one click and slide confirm ala the gopro lock screen), of their choosing, on the main screen.
When I have voice navigation on, I'm not too worried about seeing the actual map route so I wouldn't mind the loss of map real estate on screen. It's more important and safer that I can quickly submit an event. But a bottom row button that hides the one-click layer would be sufficient to get back to the map.
Schlessinger commented
Is it possible to have listed the last used report types, e.q. Police, Pothole, Road Works etc. ?
It would be very helpfully to not choose every time what kind of danger you want to report.Many thanks!
UrmasK commented
Right now the map shows a warning icon that something is happening on the road. Therefor I have to tap it open to see what is going on. That takes me few seconds to aim my finger and then tap it and then read it.
It would be much better if I could set it in my preferences to see the event type on the map instead of an exclamation mark. Just like I can see a police icon on the map.
Urmas -
MIke Young commented
On a divided highway this isn't as important on the right shoulder, but critical on the smaller left shoulder. You should be able to indicate left or right shoulder.
Anonymous commented
On the "Reports Ahead" page, it would be nice to tap on the incident report to zoom immediately to where it was reported.