Voice for everything, including thumbs up or not there needs to be a lot better. It's a driving app and needs to be totally hands free
Voice commands are bad and they give up trying after a couple attempts. You cannot thumbs up or say not there with voice. It takes 5 taps to report some things which is ridiculous. Voice needs to be reliable, it's a driving app ffs

leuros rcia commented
9 years and still this problem continues. Why don't they add an alert acknowledgement? I believe that leaving this suggestion unresolved for so many years means that we are forced to use the screen of the phone and you can have an accident.
HD3 commented
Because the timing of alerts can sometimes be really BAD, I tend to just pick an answer to "Still there?" or "Not There" but it isn't always right. But I'd still like to know about police, hazards, or other things without removing ETA or changing what's displayed on the screen. Some carplay screens are small, so it clutters the screen and makes the map really hard to use.
מנחם בלומנטל commented
בתור אחד שמעדכן הרבה על רכבים בשולים או על משטרה וכדו זה לא כל כך נוח לאשר תוך כדי נסיעה וחשבתי שאפשר שברגע שמודיע שיש רכב עומד בכביש אם הוא נמצא שם עדיין יפתח רמקול וישאל עדיין שם? והנהג שצריך לענות כן או לא . לדעתי זה יגרום שיותר יעדכנו כי תוך כדי נסיעה המשטרה יכולה לעצור אותך על שימוש בפלאפון וזה גם לא בטיחותי
Gary Miles commented
Add a voice command option to confirm or negate the presence of the various navigation alerts. So i dont need to reach for my screen to tap yes or no.
Zzak Zak commented
Allow me to use Google assistant to report still there and not there with my voice as opposed to finding and hitting buttons on the screen
LA Christine commented
YES! Mine usually disappears half a km before I'm at the spot so I have no idea if the construction is still there or not and I don't want to guess. This is the one feature that had me switch to Waze but it's useless now.
Luc Parson commented
Allow Google Assistant to confirm/deny Hazzard.
Hey Google, confirm report. Or
Hey Google, deny report. -
Michael Holton commented
Please get rid of those annoying "Still There", "Not There" msges. You have to take your eyes off the road to confirm. This is an accident waiting to happen. Just a verbal msge would suffice.
Frankiefigs commented
Yes! Give us a buffer so we can acknowledge this. Half the time it vanishes before I can do anything or see the alert
Gerry commented
To be able to use a voice command to respond to a Waze report - meaning, Waze reports an accident and asks "Is it still there". It is difficult (and possibly dangerous to respond when using Android Auto as this requires manual navigation to respond.
Peter O'Cain commented
Peter O'Cain commented
It would be advantageous not to have to use our hands to reach the screen to respond to an alert.
Thank you, great app! -
Feras Salloum commented
Confirming or denying an existing report throughout the journey could be risky and illegal to be done on the screen while driving, and this is why voice commands for this purpose should be introduced to be safe to reply on reports while driving, in the same way of creating reports using voice commands.
Ashley Jensen commented
Needs handsfree voice confirmation for "still there" and "not there" responses
hans Hill commented
7/10 times I miss tapping either of the two options as the confirmation disappears. Allow the confirmation to stay on screen for an extra say 10sec or 150m.
Leslie Lathrop commented
Voice confirmation would be so much safer
Nigel commented
Add voice command to confirm previously reported road issues (eg. hazards, police) are still there (instead of having to tap the screen thumbs up/down).
DMike92 commented
Avoid looking at Waze to answer (and make the wrong one half the time)
DMike92 commented
On Android Auto, i wish I coud answer by saying YES or NO.
JJ commented
Create a way to verbally make reports/or "still there/not there" reports, or verbally ask it to repeat the next direction. Totally hands free using Google, Bixby, Siri or whatever your phone uses. For example make it possible to say "hey Google, report on waze hazard on shoulder, then waze can either go through the list of hazards or just ask what kind and we say car stopped. Or even for us who use waze a lot, we basically know what the options are so allow us to say "hey Google/Siri (whatever), report on waze an object on roadway", hey Siri, report on waze moderate traffic" etc. Having the ability to do it verbally would be so safe in most if not all situations.
Or make a waze version like hey siri/google etc, that is used in the app only where you can say "hey waze, report police hidden".
Also, would be a great addition when you hear a report like "police reported ahead" where you can say" hey waze, still there, or not there" after the report prompt times out of distance.