Automate road closure Report
It is difficult to report road closures in real time - especially on a freeway - because of the approach speed and unexpected driving adjustment. If Waze inquired why I missed a turn/off-on ramp it would be helpful. This is similar to when Waze asks "you slowed down - are you in traffic?" If Waze notices that I missed a turn/off-on ramp it should ask "you missed a turn- was there a road closure ?" This way I can report later ( give me 60 secs) when safe. If I just missed the turn because I was distracted or chose an alternate route- I would indicate "no road closure" or the inquiry would expire like a reported road hazard report.
Adam Bonsall commented
100% this is the best Idea I have seen for a while. It always bugs me that when I come to a road closure due to road works which then shows a detour i cant work out how to quickly add details to Waze. One particular instance was not a one night thing either. Once i worked it out I went a different way but could still drive past the closure and often saw cars there having to turn around. This is a must have for waze.
Eric commented
Consider combining with thread
James commented
Agreed, this drives me nuts. By the time it's safe to mark a closure, the available closure locations are on the new route and nothing to do with the actual closure so I just cancel it and everyone else behind me suffers.
Matty Dear commented
Alternatively or additionally, can road closure be added to Android auto.
[Deleted User] commented
Fantastic idea!!!
Yaniv commented
כשלפחות 20-30 רכבים מתעלמים מהוראה של הוויז ברציפות - ואין אף אחד באמצע שמקשיב לוויז, אוטומטית להבין שככל הנראה הכביש חסום
או אולי להקפיץ לאנשים חלון "האם לדווח שהכביש חסום?" - ואחרי כמה אישורים כאלה להפסיק להעביר משם אנשים -
Russell commented
I agree. For road closures that cause us to deviate from the route that Waze has provided, the deviation should be enough to activate one or more reporting options. The default would be for Waze to assume that the deviation indicates a closure at the point of deviation along the route provided. That supplies the location of the closure. Options:
1. as above, ask if there was a road closure but provide an automatic update option since all necessary info is often present or
2. as mentioned in another post, activate a voice command interface for the spoken phrase "Road Closure" and update the map automatically or
3. Using the Report button and the Closure button, provide a very simple option to report that there was a road closure at the point of deviation. This simple option would show the point of deviation and allow you to confirm that the road is closed at that point - in one step (or maybe two if Send requires another step.) The current method could be available also, but it is very difficult to use quickly enough to enter it properly. -
cameraguy commented
I definitely agree to this. Because the way the Waze is made currently, it's hard to mark a street closure. Sometimes I have to stop to do it.