Turn on the headlights - Ligue os Faróis
In Brazil, new law require turn on the headlights when transit on the roads. Waze could send an alert when a road is accessed.
No Brasil, nova lei requer faróis acesos quando transitar em rodovias. Waze poderia enviar um alerta quando uma rodovia for acessada.

Great news! The feature to receive Headlight alert reminders is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Mayrine Lebron commented
Reminder to turn off headlights before turning off car when at final destination.
Jose Paulo Pompilha commented
Enghlish: Here in Brazil is necessary turn-on the lights during all day in our high-ways (rodovias). Waze could alert the driver to turn-on the light when it is an high-way.
Portugues: Aqui no Brasil eh obrigatorio manter a luz baixa do veiculo ligado durante o dia em todas as rodovias brasileiras. O Waze poderia alertar para o motorista ligar a luz baixa quando entrar numa rodovia. -
Igor Senez commented
The Brazilian law says that we must use headlights on roads.
Ricardo de Araujo commented
Hello, my name is Ricardo de Araujo and I am talking from Brazil.
Here in our country is mandatory to turn on the headlights when driving in a roads.
The Brazilian cars do not have automatic lighting of the headlights when the car is turned on.
So, my sugestion is:
Create an warning to alert the driver to turn on the headlights when the car is close to enter in a road? -
Anonymous commented
I would like that when accessing the highway, the application warns about lighting the lighthouse. Because in Brazil and possible fine in not ignite. thank you
Ronimar Caron commented
Excelente!!!! Todas as sugestões abaixo, são ótimas, eu deixo aqui a minha contribuição tb.
Durante o dia, O App emitir alerta 200m antes do veículo ingressar numa rodovia, isso evitara multas por estar na rodovia de faróis desligados. -
eletrimark commented
good suggestion should be implemented
It has a new law in Brazil where it is mandatory the use of headlight in state and federal roads, the waze could tell at a time of your aprocimação ...
Thank you,
Jorge Carlos Agostinho -
Fernando Hartmann commented
I think the alert should be issued based on the type of the road and of course if it's day daytime.
Paulo Vital commented
In Brazil, now, drivers need turn on the car's headlight on roads (highways, express roads, roads between cities) even during the day. Would be nice that Waze warn the driver's some special needs roads when GPS checks that car enter in a road.
Samuel Oliveira commented
good morning, my name is samuel Oliveira my waze account is samuoliversky and use enough the waze. like of do a suggestion: in the brazil now have the law of use mandatory of the headlights during the day in the highways, my idea would be for that the app when we are access a highway there a warning remembering of the need of light the headlights of the vehicle. would be very useful !!
Patricia commented
Please suggest putting a warning to the headlamps are connected to get on the road. Here in Brazil , the lighthouse on highways is necessary. Thank you.
Marcelo commented
Quando o aplicativo Waze identificar a presença de estrada ou túneis na rota calculada, deverá emitir o alerta ligar os faróis.
A Lei 13.290 modifica o Art.40 do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro e diz: “o condutor manterá acesos os faróis do veículo, utilizando luz baixa, durante a noite e durante o dia nos túneis providos de iluminação pública e nas rodovias;”
Paulo Vitor Bettini de Paiva Lima commented
I suggest to alert the user when during the day the car speeds over 30km/h (roads with speed below 30km/h are not obligated to turn on the headlights). I it is simple to implement and will solve the problem. It should be optional to enable this behavior.
Régis Paim Dias commented
In Brazil, with the new law requiring low headlights on during the day on highways, it would be a useful reminder to turn the headlights on access to highways and to turn off the end of the route.
Anonymous commented
In SP there is a new law that enforces every person to turn on the lights even during the day light when driving on a highway. Most people forget about and get a ticket. Waze could detect when someone is about to get to a highway and remind the person to turn on the lights and to fasten the seat belt, a security warning.
Alexandre commented
this issue is duplicate of "Turn on the lights alert."
Alexandre commented
this issue is duplicate of "Turn on the lights alert."
Alexandre commented
This is a duplicate of "Turn on the lights alert."
Anonymous commented
Maravilha a ideia, hoje mesmo passei por essa situação: esqueci de ligar os faróis. No mesmo momento pensei que o waze poderia ter me lembrado sobre essa necessidade.