show street name currently on
It would be great to show the name of the street you're currently on, as well as that of the next turn. Also, show the name of the street you're on when not in navigation mode.

Great news. Current street name is now always visible at the bottom of the screen.
Fernando Sierra commented
Show the street name that I currently driving on to
André Schleich commented
This is not part of the current reality. In Brazil, at least, there is no street name below the navigation icon.
Dave commented
That's NOT the case when using waze in Android Auto. Android Auto being increasingly the most popular means of using waze. Here we are years, and YEARS, AND YEARS later and this SIMPLE request has not been implemented.
JK(edited) commented
Me too!
Kenneth Kwan commented
Not true. Current street name only appears when being navigated. Not when you are just driving. It is really dumb that I don't know which street/road that I'm on. The info is there...just need to display it. Not sure it makes any different that I'm on Android Auto.
Anonymous commented
This suggestion has been asked for often. Why is it so difficult to get rid of the greeting and just display the street/road name currently travelling on.
I understand that if you touch the arrow or icon of the vehicle you get the information but this goes away after a few seconds. Please fix this issue or at least advise you are attempting to fix it.
Anonymous commented
This is a needed feature for me. Please add!!
Anonymous commented
Yes &Larger font point size for all roads on route
Michael Rosen commented
I really don't need to be told good morning, I'd rather know what street I'm currently on. Some streets aren't well labeled.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Please get rid of the good morning greeting, I much rather see the street name!
Rui Delgado commented
This would be a great feature...
[Deleted User] commented
Joshua commented
Anonymous commented
Unnamed street shall be named "Unnamed Street " rather leave it blank...
Dignity Matters commented
also the street name centered in view as waze resists labeling even spinning map around, scrolling, or zooming.
thankfully 3.5 fixes the Unlabeled turn by turn box of 3.2