Matt Berry Voice Navigation
Matt Berry Voice Navigation
Esteemed actor, musician, performer, and artist, Matt Berry, would make a stupendous addition to the Waze program and community. With a confident, sultry, and seductive presence, Matt Berry would guide thousands of drivers to their destinations in the comfort of his soothing, tenor voice.
We, the people, recognize that Matt Berry is busy with his numerous endeavors and that Waze has countless features they strive to add to an already vigorous navigation system. It is with this in mind that we humbly suggest a few lines pulled from his revered catalog of work along with new ideas to both expedite the process and carry some of the load of this chivalrous endeavor.
(Turn is missed)
"You cocked it up! Make a uuuu-turn."
"In a quarter of a mile, keep right"
(While keeping right)
"Red light bloody camera reported up ahead."
"Don't drive on the grass, smoke it!"
"Buckle up."
(Pause followed by a hushed town)
“And don’t forget to tip your hooker.”
“Up, periscope!”
(Upon arriving at destination)
“Abandon the vessel immediately.”
“Turn right.”
(Makes turn correctly)
“Ooh, yes. You handle like a fit stallion.”
I have no doubt that this brilliant community along with Matt Berry's endless fan base can make further suggestions in what could be an inspirational achievement.

Thank you for your suggestion. We will add this voice request to our User Request wish-list.
Todd Craffey commented
I'm having trouble finding the Matt Berry voice on my app. Do I need to update Waze?
Rebecca Whittington commented
Get on and do it!
Charles Thompson commented
As much as I love this idea - and Matt - I think Waze has better things to spend their time and money on. Just watch reruns of Toast & WWDITS
Jeanne Whipple commented
Please. Matt Berrys voice on my Waze would make life worth living.
Julian Hernandez commented
I would die of joy
Kate Williamson commented
Please do it!!!
Graham Beatty commented
Caroline Dabiran commented
We really do need this
Justin Langford commented
Fire the nuclear weapons.
Hazard ahead, must be Ray Purchase. -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I want it!!!
Anonymous commented
Hello GPS can you hear me?
Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango.
Anonymous commented
This really has to be done!! Oh yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahssss. Turn left onto Shepheards maaaaaaaaaaarrrrrkkkeeeeeeeeeettt
Mark commented
God yes! When you get to your destination you hear
Ray bloody Purchase!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please make this real!!!
KG commented
yeh i want it
Tim commented
Brilliant suggestion. A soothing voice such as Matt Berry's is just what I need to add grace, class, and fearless direction to my driving experience. A man as powerful as a bear, but with a heart I would trust a young child with. I would probably find any excuse to get in my car and turn his navigation on.
"And let the ride commence...Ooga Shaka, Ooga Shaka, Ooga Ooga Ooga Shaka"