cumulate roundabouts
when there is a series of roundabouts where you have a long straight route, the voice guidance quickly becomes annoying, as it repeats the same thing over and over again.
take this example (i have recorded the route and waze behaviour)
you hear the voice guidance repeating itself all over again
instead when i have a clearly straight route interrupted by roundabouts, please just tell me "roundabout, slow down". that's the most important thing a driver need to listen to when they approach a roundabout that does not change their course.
stop repeating to me that i should take the Nth exit. it's much clearer and less tiring to tell me to slow down and continue to the same direction

Jerome commented
In countries with unhealthy obsession with roundabouts, navigation talks CONSTANTLY repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... you get the idea.
It's not just annoying, it's down-right dangerous. It steals the driver's focus and makes them progressively more angry. Especially when it constantly interrupts music, radio, audiobooks or whatever more interesting is playing.
Drivers are not stupid, they don't need to hear about roundabouts three times in a row every few hundred meters. Get rid of all the announcements as they are and have just one at about 3-6 seconds before the roundabout that doesn't include the distance to the roundabout.
Also, many voices have a stupidly long pauses in the announcements: "In four hundred meters...(2 sec pause) the roundabout... (3 seconds pause) .... take the Nth exit". The pauses probably take more time than the rest of the whole announcement.
Andy commented
As more roundabouts are built, this issue is annoying more people daily.
Andy commented
Please add the ability to minimize certain types of messages. I live where there are roundabouts every mile (or closer together) and typically everybody goes "straight" - as if it was a normal intersection. Hearing "take the second exit to stay on *** road" is torture after hearing it a dozen times. Please make a setting that turns those off. I only need to know when I need to turn off the main road. Just like any other normal intersection. Mute voice guidance when it is telling me to stay on the same road. This could become part of a customization panel for the level of detail in guidance for many conditions.
Kathy Harden commented
Rather than saying to 'turn left at a roundabout', the instruction should be to 'take the third exit'. So many people don't know how to use roundabouts, it is risky to be telling them the wrong thing. Many people do exactly what the voice says. And, many people manage to go the wrong way on roundabouts on their own. Such an instruction can only make it worse.
Gregory__Martin commented
Any idea what's the news on this feature, now that we have far lanes feature?
Zack Jacobsohn commented
This is something Google maps does so well! I know several people in the UK who all say the terrible lane guidance is why they stopped using this app
Ian Ross commented
This is important and has been requested before.
David Graham commented
This is a very common in Ireland, where roundabouts are also commonplace. If a user enters a roundabout in the wrong lane, they can be stuck and unable to exit the roundabout at the correct lane for their destination.
John commented
When traveling south and continuing south voice says, “At the roundabout take the second exit.” When traveling north and continuing north when you approach the same roundabout the voice says, “At the roundabout continue straight.” That is absurd! It should say, “Take the second exit.”
Alex S commented
I have a few potential solutions:
If the half mile roundabout alert has been said, don’t play the .1 mile alert.
On the ‘Drive with…’ additional voices, don’t add extra ‘character’ to the 0.1mile alert, as it’s dictated too close to the roundabout and repests again on the ‘at the roundabout’ alert (e.g. in the Headspace one, being told to notice surroundings three or four times gets old very quickly)
Allow a user to control which of the roundabout alerts they want to play. I personally would be happy to turn off the half mile and quarter of a mile ones, and maybe even the one for at the roundabout itself. -
Anonymous commented
Multi-lane roundabout approaches currently don't have a feature to say, for example: for "route 55, take the second lane on the approach" or to show which lane should be taken.
Can this be a new feature?
Anonymous commented
Reduce chatter about roundabouts
We have many roundabouts and Zaze can get very noisy telling you to "Continue straight at the roundabout"
How about an option to turn of speaking if one is going straight through the roundabout -
aharon shalom commented
מי שיסמן תג זה לא ישמע הודעות קוליות כגון בכיכר המשך ישר או צא ביציאה השניה. רק כאשר תהיה סטיה מכיוון הנסיעה תשמע הנחיה.