Adding Roadside Animal detection system to Waze as a feature will help reduce animal roadkill problem.
Roadside Animal Detection (RADAR) systems – A computerized signs with flashing light stripped when an animal breaks a light beam . These can reduce collisions with large animals. These alerts and captured images can also be sent to different GPS apps like Waze, so that drivers coming by on that road can be alerted through their GPS apps and slow down when crossing that area.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
There was an option for roadkill in the hazard section of Waze, that was somehow removed. When you come across a large male kangaroo or a decent sized wombat that will do serious damage, when you come over a rise and have no warning, because an object is the only vague at best option in Waze, because even in our nation’s capital there are roadkill as well as regional Australia and no way of letting other users know.
An option of other side like the police option would be beneficial as well due to hazards not being visible to motorists from the other direction.
Just the other morning, I passed a stray cow on the side of the road on my way to work and could not report stray livestock, as there is no option for that either. There are stock routes through NW NSW and cattle feeding on the sides of the road with no way to notify other motorists that there will be delays due to livestock merrily crossing the section of road being grazed on.
And yes an option for hazard animals crossing, especially for prone areas from sunset to morning, I often see freshly dead pigs, Roos and foxes the following morning from the previous night.
9w2xne din kaftac commented
Actually it already being introduced with waze partner program
Waze wildlife protectionBut then it only for certain animal that already being tagged and trace.
But i agree if any user report for animal that being sighted near the road or on the road it self can help deter incidents
Robert Holloway commented
Please bring back the option of reporting animals nearby. This was a valuable tool on the app.
Frankiefigs commented
Anyone know of another app WITH animal alerts?
Frankiefigs commented
They should at LEAST bring back the animal alert
aquilla commented
Please add back the possiblity to report animals. It helps a lot!
aquilla commented
Allow report animals or make it customizable so people can choose what reports they want to have at hand .. if no animals live nearby someone he can hide it.
aquilla commented
YES! Return the option to report animals and roadkills please! Especially animals near road!
aquilla commented
add back ability to report animals near road please! That is one very important feature
aquilla commented
bring back roadkill and animals report please
Ashley Ransley commented
Yes! I was disappointed at first that it was removed & now am irritated because I saw a possum wandering near the edge of the road tonight & was sure they'd get hit 😢
Ernesto commented
The decision to remove the details of the reports was a truly bad idea
Glaucio commented
Please. Create these two alerts: "animal on track" and "animal in need of rescue". Today I found an injured dog on a very busy public road and I didn't know what to do. I was distressed. And if possible, when the user clicked on the "animal in need of rescue" alert, the entity responsible for these rescues in the city would be alerted immediately. Please do this! I speak of Salvador - Bahia - Brazil.
Erek commented
Bring back roadkill
Erek commented
Bring back roadkill
Robson R Jung commented
As always they gave us one excuse to future time.
That's why I avoid as much as possible the update of the application. -
Glen Goddard commented
Please bring back "animals near by" warning.
Michael Mulvaney commented
Absolutely needs to come back.
There are animals beside the road all the time.
Must have. -
Knute Headley commented
I live in the country, and there are MANY deer along the roads. I had always found these alerts for animals on the shoulder very helpful. Please bring it back!
Ssmith commented
Safety issue.