Improve navigation at private installations
Please modify the app's map to display gate icons representing gates that were previously created in the editor. Each icon will be invisibly linked to a nearby private road segment. When the gate is closed, the normal penalty for a private road will be applied to the route should this wazer's route include the segment. If the gate is open, there will be no penalty when this wazer's route traverses the segment.
An example of how this works would be a gated neighborhood with a main entrance where all visitors must enter and a private entrance that may be used by any resident. For the sake of argument, let's assume that this is a larger community so the two entrances connect to completely different collector roads. As a result, there is a significant navigation advantage to letting waze choose the best entrance for an resident while a visitor, taken to the private entrance, would have a hard time finding the main entrance. Currently, we can optimize the map to residents, or visitors, but not both. With this new feature an editor would use a street at the main entrance and a PR, with linked gate, at the private entrance. Initially every wazer would be navigated to a residence in this community through the main entrance. However, wazers who know how to use the private entrance may search the app's map to locate that entrance then zoom in to see the gate which they would finally select to open. For those individuals waze would then treat both the main, and private, entrances as streets thereby navigating through the entrance that offers the best route to their destination.
To prevent abuse of this feature the following guidelines might be implemented:
1) Never display a gate when navigating.
They're simply too much of a distraction as changing one while navigating would require a recalculation.
2) Only display gates at maximum zoom.
A wazer should be searching for an entrance, or intersection, that may have a gate rather than just looking for gates randomly.
3) Limit the number of gates that a wazer may simultaneously open to a small number.
I'm just guessing but 8, or 16, seem like a generous limit.
Thank you for your suggestion!
This suggestion will not be implemented for the time being, since we’re focusing on features which would potentially benefit larger groups of Wazers.
Stay tuned for more features and updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram
TxAgBQ commented
Why can't I vote on this? Out here in Texas things are bigger. We have a gated community (Cordillera Ranch) that has a 20+ mile perimeter. If you're a visitor and go to the northwest gate ( 29.870448°, -98.655783°) you'll be told to drive to the main gate with the guard shack at ( 29.820914°, -98.585169°), that's a 22-mile drive that takes 30 minutes, according to Waze.
We need to flexibility to edit gates in a way that benefits Wazers by routing them the proper way the first time.
Don commented
Anonymous Admin, please know that a lot of people live in, around/nearby, and navigate to and from gated complexes. Please at least allow this idea to gather feedback and votes to facilitate a better understanding of the need and how this idea will help.
Please re-open the request -- I cannot vote on it and the premature shutdown of this idea is harmful to the future of Waze.