Using of G-Sensor
If Waze will collect data from G Sensor, than it can automatically detect holes on the road, crashes and bad roads (4×4). Program may ask user what kind of hole it is - is it mistake, real hole, etc. If sensor detects constant shakes, than Waze can mark road as bad.

Jase commented
And I thought my idea was original... you beat me to it by 6 years! Back to the drawing board...
Also +3 from me! -
NicolasWaisman commented
There is another idea like this. Seach "accelerometer" within this site.
darzik commented
As the road surface in my hometown has become terrible this year, I thought there could be an app to monitor and report the conditions using phone's G-sensor. Then I remembered Waze and thought this would be a nice addition to this app... I searched and found this old thread/suggestion here. But I understand it has not become popular enough to be implemented?
The way I see this would be something like that... every stronger "bump" registered by phone's G-sensor is reported to the central database (it actually can be done later, does not have to have realtime sync). If there will be a certain number of similar reports from the same place, the place will be marked as hazardous. It does not matter if the "bump" was because of a hole in the pavement or an accident (maybe the place has a small accident every other day and should be considered hazardous because of that)
veriloquous commented
Waze could also use the accelerometer to
+ mark sections of certain lanes as undesirable.
+ mark curves [turns / bends] where most people sharply decelerated
+ identify lane markers!
Another crafty use of the accelerometer is dead reckoning: