Bicycle navigation and bike routes for waze!!! Please!!
Can you please add bicycle routes to the app and ways to avoid roads that go over a certain speed limit? The option to set your vehicle as a bicycle and find routes like that avoid high speed roads and roads that dont allow bikes conbined with all of the other great functions of the app will be fantastic...
But since you don't have the feature so many bicyclists won't get to navigate with your app and get the same benefits that car drivers have... I really need a navigator for bikers that shows the speed limits of the roads and if they have biking lanes before you make the trip to plan your navigation.
You should have the setting to make your vehile a bike and find bike routes, and to calculate how much time a trip will take you just have to ask the bicyclist to input their average biking speed and make your route estimates like that. Then through tracking their speed when you give them navigates your estimates can become even more accurate.
It shouldn't just be for driving navigation but also for people who have to bike places and still need to find the fastest routes avoiding cops and traffic and all the other benefits that drivers have and bikers don't because the app can't calculate routes for us unless you please make an update taking my suggestions!!
Charles Thompson commented
Isn't Waze a Google company? Google Maps has this feature. How difficult would it be to add the Google Maps logic for this?
Joseph Ganser commented
I’ve been using Waze for many years. Recently I decided to get an e-bike for commuting around my city to B reduce mileage on my car.
If Waze doesn’t begin offering a bike and pedestrian option I’m afraid I won’t use it as much as I do now
Hugo Jean-Boudon commented
Je propose d’ajouter une option de navigation dédiée aux vélos et trottinettes dans Waze. En effet, il existe des panneaux "sens interdit sauf vélo" qui permettent aux cyclistes et utilisateurs de trottinettes d'emprunter certains chemins interdits aux voitures. Cela pourrait grandement améliorer la précision des itinéraires pour ces usagers et augmenter la sécurité en tenant compte des particularités des déplacements à deux roues.
Merci pour votre attention à cette suggestion !
Gál András commented
I'd be interested in that too. I miss that there is no such option in the map editor. Waze would also be useful for bicycle navigation.
Antonio Camara commented
Antonio Camara commented
Dragos commented
Va rog sa introduceti varianta de vehicul Bicicleta. Se poate?
Samuel Aguiargomes commented
Verdade deu mesmo trabalhando de bicicleta na Inglaterra e tenho que trabalhar usando o maps porque o esse não tem opção
Archie Mendoza commented
I would like to suggest if possible if the app can also accommodate navigation good for a bicycle routes. Thank you.
Romain Mauvais commented
Bonjour le vélo devenant de plus en plus un moyen de transport prépondérant, il me semble que vous devriez adaptez vos app aux itinéraires propre aux vélo.
Il existe peu d'app fiable qui se souci de nous cycliste.
A bon entendeur 😊 -
Seb SG commented
Bonjour, J'aimerais beaucoup que vous puissiez proposer des trajets pour des cyclistes ou piétons. A bientôt
Dds commented
There are some people who travel by bicycle. And cities that it's easier too. But no bicycle choice on your app. So I have to use another app
Michele Mosca commented
responsible, are you thinking of developing the app also for pedestrians and cyclists?
Miryam Edery commented
Waze for cycling is much needed please and thanks 😊
Cubeon The cube commented
ajouter un mode de navigation comprenant le compteur de vitesse agrandi, l'utilisation des systèmes de cartes veloroute comme sur Google maps mais ici on aurait les reports. Bien sûr l'estimation de l'heure d'arrivée serait sur une moyenne basique de 15 km/h VAE où non mais même si il n'y a que la navigation avec pistes cyclable comprise ça le suffirait le profil du terrain n'a pas d'importance
Luiz Marcelo commented
Incluir ciclovias e roteiros para ciclistas
David Kanat commented
I do a lot of bicycling, I also use my car and Waze a lot. it would be great to be able to use it on one platform.
Shai Winograd commented
Add bike paths so that you can plan the fastest cycling route in real time from where you are to the location you want to go to
Colin Meskell commented
José Gonçalves commented
Seria muito bom se waze adicionar bike/scooter elétrica na opção condução. Sabendo que hoje em dia, milhares dos estafetas/delivery, trabalham com bikes/scooter elétricas, ajudava imenso. Abraço