Speed Limit Change Alert
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add a voice alert of speed limit changes. I am on the highway all the time and the speed limit constantly changes. It would be helpful if the voice would say “Speed limit has increased” or “Speed limit has decreased”. I got a ticket because I thought I was still in a 75mph speed zone and I didn’t realize it changed to 55mph. Yes the image of speed limit changes accordingly but a nice voice alert would be extremely BENEFICIAL!! Thank you!!!

Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Flavio Vicari commented
I suggest adding speed limit indicators to the map at the speed limit change points to be able to anticipate the correct speed limits while driving.
Yitschok Margareten commented
Recently asked for an alert with a 10 mph threshold.
I think it's necessary. -
Maxence Leduc (Aerandir14) commented
As many people here already said, the threshold is way too high and ideally should be adjustable in the settings. Speed limit changes in France are almost always 30 km/h or lower (130 to 110, 110 to 80, 80 to 50 are the most common). The only situation this feature works at the moment is when going from 90 to 50, which is not very common.
It's a great feature for eco driving and safety, but it definitely needs adjustments! -
Stephen commented
Ella - just so that you know, the "new" feature wouldn't help the original poster's issue. The system only alerts if it's more than 21.748mph between the speed change, whereas the original poster said the issue was they wanted an alert of the speed dropping from 75mph to 55mph which is only 20mph. As a result, this new feature would NOT broadcast or show for the driver in this scenario.
__ commented
2 years since saying will do something. Ummm
__ commented
So basically the new feature is pointless because a ridiculous threshold is applied. A 35km/h threshold for an alert, when most limit changes are in the 10-30km/h range. People are getting ticketed. Devs fail here. Imho
Ervin commented
Why doesn’t this feature work? How do I turn it on??
Ervin commented
How do I get this feature to work? I just drove 6 hours and it never once alerted me to a speed limit change
LostInMyMaps - Volunteer Editor commented
It only works on a major decrease in speed. The speed limit needs to drop by 35km/hr or more before an alert will appear.
N Sisi commented
"Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!"
could you tell us the way you designed it ? (can't see it)
Would be nice to have a message if we don't apply the new speed limit (up or down) -
GB commented
Yes! Please implement this soon!
unknown commented
Is there any update??? It has been basically 2 years since you announced that it's on the roadmap. Currently I am finding very dangerous having to have to look or search on the screen for the speed limit especially when going at high speeds with cars around.
Any reason it was not implemented yet?
Nathan commented
Ideal behaviour would be to get an audio/visual alert as you approach a lower speed limit zone.
The alert should appear to allow enough time for you to reduce your current speed to that of the new limit before reaching the new lower speed limit zone.
Jenar commented
15 November 2022:
"We plan to work on Speed Limit Change Alert in the near future"Halo, now we have almost November 2023.
Jenar commented
Option for voice assistance teling: speed limit 30, speed limit 70,... It would be great to have such a voice notification to not miss sign that were hidden by truck ;)
Stephen commented
I'd be happy with a simple audio cue, where you get an ascending chime if the speed limit on the segment is higher than the previous segment, and a descending chime if the speed limit on the segment is lower than the previous segment. This would help keep it non intrusive.
I'm curious about those comments that suggests this feature already exists, if it does then it's a hidden feature that is not obvious on how to enable.
Anonymous commented
Speed limit changes on interstates and roads are often frequent in some places and difficult to see, especially in traffic with lots of semi trucks.
A sound to alert the driver to a change would be helpful! -
Howard Izenwasser commented
It would greatly enhance the driving experience if, in addition to the warning tone, there was an informative announcement indicating an upcoming speed limit change. Recently, during my road trip through several southern states in the United States, I encountered numerous instances where the speed limit was reduced for a mile or less on major highways. Unfortunately, there was often only a single small sign indicating the change, resulting in many drivers being pulled over and issued speeding tickets due to the limited time available to adjust their speed from 70 to 55 miles per hour (112 to 88 km/h) in these "speed trap zones". Given that Waze already provides documentation on speed limit changes, I am optimistic that incorporating this feature is feasible. I sincerely appreciate your consideration of this suggestion.
Greg Powell commented
Latest version has removed the audio cue on speed limit change /excellence.
Please bring back! -
TheMet4lGod commented
You can set the app to always show the speed limit. It dings every time you go to a new road segment with a speed limit set if speeding.
This is an unnecessary addition.