Reminder: time to take a break!
We suggest introducing notifications that would remind drivers to take a 10 minute break when they have driven for 2 hours non-stop, and after a 4 hour drive would suggest taking a 20 minute power nap.
Research by the Latvian Road Traffic Safety Directorate shows that 11,7% of drivers are at high risk of falling asleep, and 1/3 of all drivers have experienced falling asleep at the wheel for a second in the last year.
By reminding drivers how important it is to take breaks, Waze can help prevent tragic accidents and save lives.
Latvian Road Traffic Safety Directorate
Thank you for your suggestion!
We are currently not planning on adding resting alerts or reminders.
Stay tuned for more features and updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram
CSDD commented
NO. Repair rods with our rod tax :@
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Doma laba, un tad citi vaze lietotāji redzēs kur ir nogurušas auto ar savu vaditaj
Anonymous commented
Ir labs
Anonymous commented
Good idea!
Anonymous commented
Good idea how to make tired people think about their safety and the safety of other people during the trip
Elita Šulce commented
Tas liek padomāt par sevi, par saviem spēkiem! Ir labi!
Anonymous commented
Esam modri!!!
Dainis Aleksis commented
Laba ideja
Regina Jozuus commented
Laba doma
Gatis Zarins commented
Noteikti ļoti laba ideja. tie kas ir pret, gan jau nenobrauc dienā pat 1h :D
karlis commented
Nav jēgas,jo savā spainī es esmu varonis neesmu ne pārguris ne arī piedzēries līdz nemaņai.
Uma commented
@Ddsc un tā mēs tos īstos večus zaudējam
Ddsc commented
Pilnīgs sviests, tikai parāda kas ir puišeļi un kas ir veči
Bez aplikācijas jau vispār nejēdz domāt
Žēl ka nav opcijas balsot pret -
Anonymous commented
man šis ļoti noderēs!
Anonymous commented
Ļoti laba doma!
Renārs Bočkors commented
Jonas commented
Very, very good!!!
Artūrs commented
Es domāju, ka pa dienu šādu opciju nevajadzētu, bet piemēram pēc 22,ja šoferis brauc neapstājoties, tad gan pēc 2h vajadzētu pajautāt kā jūties un piedāvāt tuvāko DUS vai kādu parking, kur atpūsties. Pa dienu šādu brīdinājumu varetu radīt pēc 4-6h braucot neapstājoties.
Juris Abelits commented
Laba ideja