Less verbose mode (few short instructions)
I would like to have a "less verbose mode" where the voice navigation would just say a few short instructions, like "turn right" for example, without all the verbose stuff like street names; or "speed trap", without all the useless words around it.
The reason is that sometimes I like to listen to music, or audiobooks, or having a conversation while driving, and I find that Waze verbosity is very annoying.

We plan to work on th Brief instructions Option in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
Jumbala commented
Introduction of new sound mode which only plays a short notification sound if case of instruction / warning.
Benefit: Conversations are less disturbed, however, driver aware of need of action. -
Anonymous commented
Also, there is no need to tell me 3 times that I have to turn left/right, once is enough.
Wilfred Rocco commented
You can select any voice without streets name indication btw.