Alphabetize Favorites
Favorites need to be set to alphabetize automatically.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
P commented
A capability to select it to use alpabetical order for favorites would be great.
P commented
BUG: On Feb 17, 2019, Waze allowed me to change the order of favorites which is great. Thank you. However, it totally messed up the order when I added a new favorite location. It messed up the order again when I powered the phone off and back on. I want it to allow me to edit the order of the favorites and then not change it back. Once I put the list in a different order, I don't want Waze deciding later to put it in some other strange order. (Also, an automatic alpabetical order would be great.)
Don't Email Me commented
If I have to "search favorites" by typing in the destination, then what is the point of having favorites? Please come back from free lunch and fix your app.
Don't Email Me commented
Actually it's worse -- I just sat down and manually sorted all of my favorites via "edit". then closed Waze, then opened. They were still sorted. Well except one that I had sorted incorrectly. I moved that one, then closed Waze, then opened. It automatically volunteered to direct me someplace that in its infinite wisdom it had decided that I wanted to go. I hit "X", then went to favorites -- they were scrambled again!
Look this is 2019, don't you people know how to write programs?
Don't Email Me commented
Somebody please post the name of an app that does sort favorites, so we can uninstall this and go use that one.
Don't Email Me commented
Obviously they don't use their own app. Or maybe they do, and they don't have time to add a basic sort because they are spending too much time flipping through favorites.
So is this incompetence (don't know how to program a basic sort) or callousness (they have users so they don't care)?
Pat garrett commented
While driving, my big list of favorites is dangerous to look through
Carol Hellickson commented
I'm begging....begging!...for an alpha sort option in Favorites. I have a devil of a time finding anything in that hodge podge mess of favorites. A tool is not a tool if it cannot improve the efficiency of a task. I have so many favorites that finding one takes longer than if I just type in the address, which is what I've had to start doing. Is there really no cure for this?
Anonymous commented
Favorites should be sorted by distance automatically, with the option to check an alphabetical list.
Anonymous commented
I would just like the order I have created not to get shuffled when the app gets upgraded.
Anonymous commented
I agree it is insane that I can’t organize my favorites in Waze
With all the amazing technology that they have this task would be ridiculously simple -
Zero Stress commented
It makes no sense to me how Waze handles favourites.
I opened the Waze mobile app on Android, went to favourites and made a certain sequence. The most important addresses on the top, the less ones on the bottom.
The next day i opened the app and went to favourites all the addresses were shuffled. It was like i did nothing the day before. Why is that? -
George commented
If you have the development bandwidth, support multiple sort options:
- sort favorites list alphabetically by name
- sort favorites list by add date
- sort favorites list by last used date
- sort favorites list by distance -
George commented
Helen Sanese- Creedon commented
Please allow alphabetical for favorites!!!
JM commented
Should be able to put in folders to organize friends, stores, travel, etc. Agree with comments below. Good app much room for improvement.
Anonymous commented
It’s a must option to sort by either alphabetical or distance
Steve commented
We need options for sorting our favorites. Alphabetical, Recently Added, Distance (Closest, Farthest).
james commented
They obviously do not care what their users need and think. Maybe now that these little ads are appearing they will be able to afford the cost of adding an alpha sort to the favorites. At best it is a race between my dislike for the ads (but I understand the need) and my need for an alpha sort.
If the ads win, Waze loses a user which will not make the advertisers happy.
Anonymous commented
Would be a great improvement