Please provide an option to turn off the "car stopped on shoulder" warning.
This is the most common warning yet doing nothing more than distracting. People stop on shoulders for few minutes all the time so why do I need to care unless I am planning to drive on the shoulder?? Turning off road hazards does not help.
Great news! The option to filter the kinds of alert you would like to get is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Gary commented
I agree, the ability to stop receiving Vehicle Stopped on Shoulder alerts should be a top priority for new features. Two main reasons; 99.999% of the time, there is no real hazard, and a huge number of false alerts are posted by users, possibly just to gain points.
Anonymous commented
Definitely gets my vote. Please allow us to select/deselect which notifications we want to receive.
Anonymous commented
I would guess this feature is tied to an algorithm by which Waze guesses and prioritizes the reporting accuracy of the app. Because it is so common it must provide useful stats and help train drivers to report things early on when they still care about points. That said. Give the option to turn it off. It encourages veteran users to avoid using Waze any time we don't need to
Jay commented
Please get rid of this stupid warning!!!
Anonymous commented
Waze.... how is it possible you have not provided a fix at this point for the annoying "vehicle stopped on shoulder" alert. We don't want it!!!! Clearly it's the worst part of your app.
I'd love to have a conversation face to face with the person that's able to make this change but refusing to. More the point he should be replaced with someone that gets what the public is saying and does something about it. Waze, we love you but this VSoS alert is complete nonsense!!! -
Jason Smith commented
Please eliminate this... I'll
Go back to using Google soon if not -
Anonymous commented
Vehicle stopped on shoulder ahead. Stop it already. I play the game of pushing thumbs down on every one I run across now. It's so annoying.
Pete Kottmann commented
Let there be option for users to suppress if they want via settings but let's improve. I'd like to see option to report left vs right shoulder (I'll move over lane adhead of). Have them time out if not acknowledged by other Waze users (perhaps duration vary by nbr wazers on road and traffic conditions. No wazers on road passing, keep it active longer. Or traffic slowing, it's might be the reason for congestion). I drive at 3am on some dark roads and it's a great feature.
SEADave commented
Please, please make this an option. It is the MOST annoying feature of Waze.
Tony Holloway commented
I have got rid of the "Vehicle on the side of the road" problem in my area, but creating a false alert every 1/2 mile or so, every day along a given route for weeks. Its amazing when everyone is flooded with alerts, how no one reports them after a few days.
Rarebit commented
@W.M. if you hear the message 10 times on your way to work and every time it's just a stopped car on the emergency lane of the highway (or even in a special maintenance area next to the highway), the 11th time you're not going to slow down either. Unless I have a problem I'm not driving on the emergency lane.
Personally I think people should have the option to switch it off, but I would have it on as default. If it really annoys people they can find the option to switch it off. -
W. M. commented
I actually DON'T think this would be a good option... for the reason that it's not just a car on the side of the road. It could also be someone changing a tire. Thus, the alert, while annoying, can save a life, if it causes even one person to slow down and be more aware.
Eric commented
Please allow us to select (or de-select) notices for potholes and cars stopped on the shoulder, to name the most annoying and unnecessary alerts.
Dan commented
I would love this, but this request is 3 years old. Don't think we'll see any traction.
Anonymous commented
I agree don't need to know every car on the shoulder!!
Sherlock McGyver commented
Being able to select alerts is a genius idea. DO IT!
Anonymous commented
Car stopped on shoulder is of no consequence to most and needs to be an option to ignore
Paul commented
It'd be great to be able to turn specific alerts on/off, but I'd settle for losing shoulder alerts altogether.
Kevin Waze commented
The most annoying part of Waze is the shoulder alerts. Let us turn it off.
Andrew S commented
Just make this an option to switch on or off as needed.