Slow down & move over warning for Emergeny Responders
Warn motorists of Emergency Responders (police cars, tow trucks, ambulances) with a Slow Down Move Over warning. Lives are being lost at alarming rates and any support of the move over laws are greatly appreciated.

Dan Parmenter commented
Please put the slow down move over warning on Waze thankyou
Jonmichal Walker commented
I can highly agree that we need to put the Slow down move over warning message on Waze.
Anonymous commented
Excellent idea, needs to be implemented.
Casey P. Miller commented
On Thursday April 23, 2020 was driving home came upon an accident with no warning on an blond curve of an highway in my service truck. I physically slowed down traffic by using my work truck and purposely brake checking the traffic behind me slowing them down for police, tow trucks, and bystanders that were on the side of the road. If whoever was using MAPS or Waze could of been warned of this multiple vehicle accident.
Terry Husted commented
I'm a driver in the towing industry I think this is a good idea to help save lives so we can go home to our families to all be safe hug your family watch your 6th
fares commented
spread more awareness like commercial and ads
Anonymous commented
Yes we need to protect ll first responders including tow truck drivers that are on the side of the road. to many people dont know the laws and dont slow down or move over
Lydia González commented
Vehicles seem to be more attentive to what is happening on the side of the road and don’t realize that their cars are going in the direction of their focus. Any opportunity to alert drivers to move over for all tow as well as emergency vehicles is a great idea. Being on a busy highway right on the shoulder is a scary feeling when traffic just flies by.
Ginger Darling commented
Any help to warn the driving public. And please think use this as a great tool to save you and that person on the side of the road from the horrific event if there's an accident
Anonymous commented
Excellent idea/ concept
Nick Johnson commented
Love the idea
Anonymous commented
Outstanding idea.
Mike commented
This should definitely be there as a warning !
Trevor Hill commented
We've been pushing for warnings for a long time I've got 24 years in the towing and recovery biz been hit twice . what's your plans now? Seeing tow trucks , garbage trucks, road construction , etc. Have the same color lights motorist can't determine the difference until their right up on you. What are we gonna do.
Anonymous commented
Please, please, please...I've been in the towing business for a combined total of 24 years. Additionally I'm a retired Paramedic / RN. I've seen the tragic results of people completely ignoring 1st responders on the roadside. As a user of Waze, as an operator of towing equipment, a parent and medical professional, please improve Waze by adding a slow down, move over warning to the app. The life it may save may be mine.
Anonymous commented
I started towing at 17 years old. When I was 18 I was doing a recovery rollover car went off side of highway. S state trooper was behind me lights flashing as mine on tow truck. I was struck car mirror hit my back. Luckily I lived...I was able to finish recovery but pain set in as well as knowing I almost died because people do not slow down and move over! Please make this law. Tow trucks are the least respected. No respect people need to understand tow trucks are emergency vehicles and personnel! People do not respect a tow truck until they are stuck we come in the freezing cold ice high heat anytime 24/7 365. We deserve to live. Please make this law be enforced! Should be taught to new drivers at driving schools and drivers license test.
Nayibe Donavan commented
Yes, please! Let’s do everything we can to protect ALL first responders and anyone on the side of the road.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely necessary!!
Anonymous commented
Do it! Total Support!!
David commented
Yes, adding the "Slow Down, Move Over" feature for all emergency first responders as well as a tow truck emoji/symbol would absolutely be another great feature and extremely useful tool for Waze, its users and most importantly for all of us tow operators who are also first responders that often get to a scene first and risk our lives just the same but get completely disregarded as emergency personnel although we are usually the first call from a stranded motorist or police department following a wreck. #slowdownmoveover #towlivesmatter