Waze - Plan my day route scheduling
A great addition to the Waze App would be to have it plan my entire day or something as simple as errands. Start by entering a start time and a list of addresses to visit (e.g. drop-off kids, grocery store, and other errands....getting me back home in time to pick-up the kids at school at the end of the school day), Waze could optimize my route and schedule based on traffic and ETA. It might even choose the most effective route by reordering the destinations/waypoints. Other applications are for small businesses to do route planning to save time and fuel. An added bonus would be to link to my calendar.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2023 and this idea won't be implemented this year. We hope to have it included in our plans for later years and will keep you posted.
Anonymous commented
This suggestion has already been created here: https://waze.uservoice.com/forums/59223-waze-suggestion-box/suggestions/3349643-the-ability-to-plan-a-trip-with-multiple-stops
Anonymous commented
Planned Drives: allow the ability to plan a whole journey, including selecting start points and stops/waypoints. This would allow users to user more flexibility when planning further ahead than a day or so. It would also give users the ability to plan a drive when they do not have a GPS signal (as is my situation whilst writing this)
Al Anthony Bailey commented
It would be helpful if the routes made under planned routes get removed upon arrival to the destination. Instead of removing them yourself each time you arrived to a planned route stop (would be perfect for delivery drivers).
Mike commented
Planning a route and adding multiple stops is painful to use and not intuitive. Takes ages to click the right button. A route planner like in google maps would be really neat.
Tom commented
An option where you can put in a travel time, say 8 hours from your location, and the map will draw a “circle” showing where you could travel in that time frame. When planning family road trips, can be a pain to enter every individual plausible location to gauge how far the drive would be. Also would help planning overnight stops on long road trips
kirill commented
often people do not go to work at once in the mornings.
they have a daily route. the house - kindergarten - school - work
the house - the training hall - work
the house - work of the wife - work
so in the evening
it would be good that it was possible to create a morning and evening route which is automatically activated at inclusion -
papinou-92 commented
Bonjour. Serait il possible de pouvoir planifier un voyage de telle sorte que l'on puisse programmer les pauses (ex 1h30/2h00) en proposant une aire de repos, l'arrêt au bout de x kms avec un choix d'hôtels aux alentours du point d'arrêt (gamme de prix, nb *), etc. ?
Merci -
Guilherme Morato commented
Sugiro que o Waze permita que quando temos uma viagem programada, possamos adicionar mais de uma parada. E que possamos também remover a parada sem que tenhamos que programar a viagem de novo. Isso porque as vezes programamos uma viagem com uma parada (por exemplo uma cidade), só que não passamos exatamente na rua onde colocamos a parada, e daí para que a viagem siga normalmente, ou temos que passar exatamente na rua onde está marcada a parada, ou temos que programar a viagem novamente. E se nesse local não tiver internet, ficaremos perdidos no meio da estrada. Aconteceu comigo numa viagem que fiz no início do ano. Queria ir para a praia, mas nenhuma rota passava por uma cidade que eu precisava passar. Então adicionei a parada. Quando passei pela cidade, não atualizou a rota para o destino final, e eu não tinha conexão com a internet para reprogramar a viagem para meu destino final.
Anonymous commented
You go later feature doesn’t allow you to choose from multiple routes. You can only choose the go later feature from the route that weighs chooses.
Zerdath commented
I will upvote this ever time I see it.
Tony commented
We use navigation for our delivery company. We have many stops on our routes. It would be nice to input all of the addresses and let Waze plan your trip, live. This would allow us to avoid waiting in traffic due to accidents or just heavy traffic.
Bill Davidson commented
So, I'm driving home and my wife texts me a reminder to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy on the way. "Sure", I say, "I can do that. Thanks for the reminder." And then I drive home---on autopilot, completely forgetting about the stop I need to make....and have to go back.
I know my way home, So I don't want to Waze to be shouting out directions all the way, I just want a reminder when I get near the pharmacy so I don't pass it.
Anonymous commented
As vrea sa pot introduce mai multe adrese si sa mi le aranjeze automat de unde plec si unde termin fara sa ocolesc
Yael commented
create an analysis of average times to destination, so that people can ceck ahead of time and plan. this can be specific to days and times, as wel as seasons (define the last 4 weeks orsomething like this)