Speed limit
Please allow us to remove the digital speedometer, and instead show a much larger speed limit for the road! The current speed limit sign is very small on some displays, and since every car already has a speedometer, I would like the option to remove it from the app and just show a large icon for speed limit only

We changed the status back to "Under Consideration" and hope to have news on this idea in the future. Thanks and have a great day.
Anonymous commented
Hi there. Please increase the size of font substantially for the speed limit please. No other app or navigation device would use such small font. It's almost pointless and very dangerous as you just want to look at it quickly to see the limit. Not stare at it and squint for 5 mins. Out of safety alone can you please remedy this. Possibly even give us the option to remove the speedometer as 99% of cars would have one and 100% should. I'm really amazed this hasn't been addressed previously. I've tried so many times to get this changed but seems to fall on deaf ears. It's such a fundamental basic flaw it blows my mind. Sorry if I seen blunt but it's insane. Sorry. Please fix this ASAP as a safety concern nothing else! Thanks!
Chan Bang Yuan commented
The current default speed limit size is too small for older user like me. It will be great if it has the size of the speedometer.
Juuso Hanhivaara commented
This is definitely something we need. Its very dangerous to look off the road for a longer time due to not seeing the small speed icon
E G commented
I have 9 inch (1280x720 - 160 dpi) head unit in my car. (Teyes CC3).
The Speed Limit icon is so small.
Also status bar too thin.Please add option to enlarge it or make auto scaling.
Dennis Caler commented
PLEASE....it is way too small!!
Aaron Bogad commented
make the speed limit size/ font bigger... cannot see it while driving because it is too small.
Pavel Král Kafeman commented
If routing is specified and Waze knows where to go, it can show the speed limit on the next segment. For drivers, this is the "Expect change" info. The information (in gray color) would be updated from the next segment, but no more than 1Km (1mile) ahead if the next segment is longer than 1 Km (or 1 mile).
Olaf Straesser commented
Please increase size of speed limit as it is too small - and it is really an important feature.
Olaf Straesser commented
That is great and a very important feature - but it is to small! Though, it is not very helpful on Android Auto, because i can't read it. Pleas increase size of speed limit display.
Olaf Straesser commented
We need an incresed size on Android and Android Auto too! It is definitely to small!
Olaf Straesser commented
Exaktly! Speed limit display is to small! Speedometer is build in car. I only need the speed limit but in a better size, though that it is readable.
Morin commented
Afficher en permanence la LIMITE de VITESSE en cours ( entourée de rouge ) pour connaitre marge d'accélération
Assy Nahir commented
להגדיל ובהקדם
זה פשוט לא פרקטי בגודל הנוכחי -
Hassan commented
These 2 are heavily asked for on the Internet and needed in order to actually make Waze somewhat PERFECT for the average user and drivers of old age:
1) THE SPEED LIMIT SIGN: There should be an option to DISABLE THE SPEEDOMETER but KEEP the SPEEDLIMIT SIGN. This is because all cars have a speedometer and this should be an option rather than removing the speed limit SIGN with it. If someone needs the speedometer then they should be able to turn it on or off without effecting the speedlimit sign.
2) THE STREET NAME BUBBLE: This should also be an option to turn such a feature On or Off. I've had encounters where the bubble is large and distracting that it is covering my route almost making me miss a turn. APPS SHOULD BE HERE TO AID DRIVERS AND NOT TO DISTRACT THEM OR TO ADD SO MANY FEATURES THAT HINDER DRIVING ABILITY BECAUSE THEY CAUSE CONFUSION OR REQUIRE MORE FOCUSING ON THE APP RATHER THAN THE ROAD.
Simplicity is key. These 2 features are not even hard to implement. All that is required is 1) to separate the speed limit from the speedometer option 2) add a button to turn on or off the street name bubbles. Just by adding these small things it will make user experience so much more pleasurable and enjoyable
Anonymous commented
Increase size of speed limit as its too small.
Schneidereit commented
Yes please - I had the same idea and was going to post it as an original idea but it looks like im too late :) YES we need the speed icon at least 50% larger AND I reckon it needs to be in the top left corner ??
Felipe Dominguez Muñoz commented
I do have the same problem.
Isadora commented
Actuellement nous pouvons savoir la limitation de vitesse uniquement si elle est dépassée. Il faudrait que si nous cliquons, par exemple sur la vitesse où nous roulons en bas à gauche, que la vitesse autorisée apparaisse de la même façon que quand on la dépasse. Cela permettrait aux gens qui ont un doute sur la réglementation de ne pas accélérer comme un malade pour se dire « ah .,. En fait c’était 90 »
Paul Ryan commented
Have the option to be able to show the speed limit without having to have the speed odometer turned on
Sandro commented
Eu gostaria de sugerir que o ícone que mostra o limite de velocidade fosse maior ou que exista a possibilidade de aumenta - lo, porque a maioria das pessoas acima de 40 anos tem dificuldade para enxergar