Speed camera alert
Please bring back speed camera alert

Great news! The speed camera alert is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
P marum commented
Speed camera at Henry Kelsey school on Huntingwood ave in Toronto
Niklas Wimmer commented
Its not working the last 3 Months :(
Peter Sand commented
is there a way to report a fixed camera without Waze asking me each time if it is still there?
Ali Benali commented
Add a report for speed camera. This morning a police was setting up a temporarily speed camera and he would probably leave the spot. I didn't find any way to report this, other than to report the police presence.
Peter J Chambers commented
In Australia we have Speed Cameras, is it possible to make a Speed Camera emblem to use to pin point the location of a Speed Camera Car ?
Ciccio Paranza commented
Pensavo che tra i tipi di alert, presenti in Waze Reporting Tool, possa essere molto utile anche inserire la possibilità di incontrare un misuratore di velocità (autovelox), in determinate giornate ed orari.
Tommy Fazio commented
Please add a icon for a speed camera or red light camera that's not reported.
Nathan commented
Now exists.
Michael Davenport commented
Restore red light and speed cameras
Anonymous commented
Thank you for considering and paying attention to what consumers think.
Gustavo Quirici commented
One of the advantages that users find in Waze is that collaborative information is offered, updated by other users, enriching the maps and their information. The way in which radars and speed controls are reported has been changed, the new one is not only not clear, nor intuitive, but more complicated, I suggest that they allow the possibility of reporting speed controls as it was before.
BA commented
Yes, it would be good to differentiate from poolice category for 'mobile speed camera noted ahead' and its own icon under the police category or a new categoty and icon of its own. There are lots of these used in Australia - https://www.speedalert-pro.com.au/SPEED-CAMERAS-in-Australia-Watch-Out-for-Speed-Cameras-s/152.htm
Jęř Řý commented
The speed camera no longer appears on the map (at least in Trinidad and Tobago) and because it don't show on the map anymore you can't get alerts for it
Martin commented
Where has the one-touch reporting feature gone ? :-( Current instructions are FAR too complicated and cannot be completed whilst driving :-(
teejey commented
we need the same here in the USA, We need a new category for Known Portable Speed Cameras. I know I cannot be the only one that is tired of the Portable speed cameras that are setup in the same location day after day. I would really like to be able to mark these locations to warn Wazer's of these “Revenue” cameras.
I know there is a marking already for permanent mounted cameras but there are less and less of these and more and more of the portable ones.
In three days this one camera has issued 141 tickets, at $149 per ticket ($21,009.00) you can see why these are not safety enforcement cameras, but just a way to make revenue!!
W Maryland commented
Many counties in Maryland have mobile or semi mobile cameras. The county leaves them up for a 6 days. Take the camera down for a day and than brings it back. Waze is less than 50% accurate for cameras in my area.
Sean commented
New and sneaky locations for fixed speed cameras (not mobile ones) are cropping all the time. I thought Waze was for the driver. Please return the feature.
John commented
Excellent idea, The new Automated Speed Enforcement system (ASE) through out Toronto & the GTA should be covered as soon as possible.
https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/road-safety/vision-zero/safety-initiatives/automated-speed-enforcement/speed-cameras/#location=&lat=43.657937&lng=-79.328072 -
Luis Eduardo Brunereau commented
En una ruta que recorro con frecuencia han instalado en una distancia bastante corta 3 nuevos radares de velocidad (es una zona de velocidad reducida por ser área protegida) pero los mismos no aparecen en Waze. Deberían volver a incorporar el botón de reporte de radar para que los usuarios podamos reportar, aunque obviamente, luego deba ser confirmado por los editores.
Katy commented
Add a speed trap icon so drivers can report on speed cameras and mobile speed cameras.