Durant l’été j’ai souvent rencontré des personnes a pieds sur le bas côté des autoroutes ou routes rapides. Très dangereux, mais impossible à signaler. Dommage. Je pense que cela devrait être ajouté.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
Several times while driving on the road there’s been pedestrians on the road or shoulder but there’s no option other than animal or object. So I have no choices very to choose animal on the road or shoulder. Can you tell please add pedestrian on the app. No disrespect to anyone but an animal option is a living thing which would seem like a better choice than an object. Thanks
Martin Gauthier commented
Bonjour, pourquoi ne pas ajouter une fonction qui informerait les aumobiliste qu’une moto roule dans leur direction et ou, un velo ou pieton est a proximité de votre vehicule. Votre application pourrait etre d’interet pour tous le monde. Un camion benne , chasse neige , semi remorque pourrait avoir un avertissement. Ca sauverait surement des vies.
Anonymous commented
Secure data from state/local authorities concerning the number/severity of accidents on various stretches of road, say in the past 1-2 years. Alert drivers when they enter such areas. It may help them be extra careful.
Anonymous commented
Indicate pedestrians and road works. Thank you
Taissa commented
Add the warning message e.g. "attention, pedestrian in XX meters", always by crosswalks, where pedestrian have priority
Anonymous commented
Generally speaking I love waze but hate it for reporting hazards when driving!! Other people have reported animals nearby but I can't find out how to do it. I've goggled it as well,no help. Please help with these types of notifications when driving Thanks
Anonymous commented
J utilise régulièrement waze.
À plusieurs reprises, j ai voulu signaler en danger des piétons qui marchaient sur le long de l autoroute ( en cas d accidents ou avec les migrants). Mais il existe seulement : danger - bas côté - animaux.
Je ne suis pas la seule à le penser puisque régulièrement quand il y a un danger avec des personnes sur le bas côté, les utilisateurs waze signalent un animal sur le bas côté.
Ne pouvez-vous pas rajouter cette catégorie dans les dangers?
Merci -
Jehud commented
I would like to suggest the following:
1) Insert unlabeled spines;
2) Inserting pedestrian lanes without traffic lights; -
Anonymous commented
My idea is related to the caution of a pedestrian crossing on a road with a minimum speed of more than 70 km / h. In this sense, a beep and an indicator warn you that a pedestrian crossing is approaching and the attention gets bigger.
Anonymous commented
Excelente observação. Evitaria muitos acidentes.
Leticia commented
Minha sugestão é para que o aplicativo emita uma alerta de cuidado travessia de pedestre a frente.
Assim o motorista estará mais atento, principalmente quando você conhece pouco a região que está dirigindo, ou quando se dirige de noite. -
Anonymous commented
Après avoir découvert le projet de décret visant à interdire les informations provenant des applications Waze et Coyotes je suis resté abasourdi !
Tout le monde sait que ces alertes danger informent les automobilistes de dangers divers : accident, animal circulant sur la voie, voiture mal garée sur le bas-côté, piéton déambulant sur une voie rapide, et ralentissement dû à un embouteillage ou présence de police, pompier, ambulance etc...
Mais ces alertes danger ne précisent pas toujours de quelle nature est le danger. Elles préviennent les conducteurs d'un "danger" et les incitent fortement à ralentir ce qui est donc source de sécurité.
Si on interdit ces alertes, sous le prétexte de lutte contre le terrorisme, ce qui serait louable si cela n'entraînait pas un accroissement du danger du fait des automobilistes qui ne ralentissent pas à l'approche du danger et risquent de provoquer ou aggraver un accident, on annule l'interêt de ces alertes.
Il est bien évident que cela va inciter les truands de tout bord à trouver une parade pour être informés de la présence précisément de la police, alors que pour le moment ils ne sont informés que d'un danger imprécis et valable pour tout le monde. Si ce décret passait effectivement je serai bien plus inquiet sur la route. Que l'on multiplie les contrôles surprise pour la drogue, l'alcool et les armes et qu'on laisse les conducteurs ralentir quand il y a un danger. Le retour aux appels de phare serait une belle régression vers l'insécurité !!
Voilà peut-être un argument de poids pour maintenir l'autorisation de prévenir d'un danger...
Longue vie à Waze et Coyote. -
Kurt commented
buton :'people (pedestrians) beside the highway',sometimes they leave there car
Joey Gross commented
I have wanted to report pedestrians on several occasions due to little or no shoulder or they were hard to see. Similar to live animals on the side of the road.
Anonymous commented
Add Hazard called "Distractions", which you can go to Hazard-Distractions-Sound Distraction, and go to Hazard-Distractions-Pedestrians/Cyclers. For both, add a duration like you do for closure. You will hear, "Watch out. Distraction reported ahead."
Kate commented
Warning - approaching a pedestrian crossing
Alberto Mendez commented
Connecting drivers and pedestrians to help poor children in the streets.
Last week I was traveling on a bus and in a corner and saw a poor father asking for help for her young daughter who was asleep, maybe she was sick, but very few motorists gave help, I just prayed for them ...
The next day visit the place where they had been the day before in order to help and could not locate them. It is difficult to know where will be their day to day location.
Then it occurred to me that if I had an app that could connect to drivers and pedestrians with good heart to help poor street children in real time.
An example . A driver or pedestrian arrives at a location where there are poor children in need, open Waze and locate on the map the location, some icons appear with descriptions of the required assistance: food, medicines, money, shelter, clothing, blankets, shoes etc. select the icons that apply and drags them to the indicated location.
This alerts drivers and pedestrians near the place to go to help and tells them what is needed.
Also it would alert the government aid agencies, the Red Cross, churches and near businesses to help too.The object is to provide initial help and then sustainable aid.
application could perhaps also have a History button, where drivers and pedestrians that once helped a child might know his whereabouts and actual progress they have had..
This app would also serve as a wonderful way to meet kind people and join forces to help the needy children.Thank you and God bless you.
Anonymous commented
The Brazilian law recently introduced the requirement to connect the lights to move in State and Federal Highways . Waze could warn the user whenever it transitasse by one of these types of roads.
eletrimark commented
Good suggestion, should be studied the possibility of adding the waze
Antônio Júnior commented
Waze should show some advice for safe driving in traffic, as "obey the signs," "do not drive drunk", "does not exceed in prohibited places," "give preference to pedestrians in the crosswalk", etc.