Waze LiveMap to device for navigation
Can we map out a route online using the website, then send it to your phone for navigation before you leave?
Would be useful especially when routing errands and have to plan multiple stops.

Buster65 commented
Son is traveling and shared his route with us, we would like to be able to see this on Computer screen vs the small phone screen. Can you make the link so that it would open on Waze.com or another map application? This could be very helpful when watching loved ones travel, or if they are lost.
Mika Saarinen commented
If I want send route to my in-car device I cannot do it because when I press Send on Livemap it sends the route always only to my phone.
This is probably due to the fact that phone is always online but the route should be sent to all devices which have the Waze app with my account logged in, also to those which are offline so that those would receive the route when powered on.
Route planning via Livemap in it's current state is quite useless to me because of this.
Tamás Horváth commented
It would be useful to plan my route on my pc/web with all details (when to start not only when to arrive, where to fill the car or make a stop. The route planner is pretty basic on the web.
Nenad C commented
da li se može dodati na web izrada ruta za vožnju gdje se mogu dodavati naselja (gradovi) kroz koje treba proći da bi se došlo do odredišta i takvu rutu poslati sa pc (web) na mobitel (waze app)?
unai Zuluaga commented
Añadir paradas para viajes largos (gasolineras, áreas de servicio...)en los que estimar el tiempo de parada y sumarlo al tiempo total del viaje. Desde la app o desde el pc y que se pueda sincronizar.
Voy a hacer un viaje de 7 h con niños y me ayudaría a estimar mucho mas fielmente la hora de salida si pudiera poner las paradas que voy a hacer. -
Matthew commented
Add multi stop route planning on the pc site online. This is crucial for sales and delivery. Anything to avoid google.
Anonymous commented
Hola, la opcion de planificacion de viajes en la PC es muy basica, no permite añadir destinos entre la ruta, no toma como referencia la ubicacion de mi celular pese a haber iniciado sesion, no me permite programar un dia y hora especifico ya que si bien puedo elegir el dia, no puedo elegir una hora menor a la hora actual solo posterior y llega hasta medianoche. Por ejemplo no puedo programar un viaje para dentro de 3 dias a las 8 de la mañana de ese dia porque si lo estoy programando a las 15 hrs de hoy solo me da la opcion de 15 a 00 hrs. Me gustaria poder programar mis viajes con antelacion y dejarlos sincronizados con mi celular, añadir varios destinos en un solo viaje para asi poder realizar escalas.
Gracias por la oportunidad de escuharme, por demas estoy feliz con la aplicacion, me ha salvado muchas veces de perder tiempo. Saludos, -
Anonymous commented
Have an option of connecting it to a computer where I can download a list of all the stops I need to make and then Waze should plan the smartest route for all the stops (similar to a delivery or bus route)
Luis commented
Can check the whole trip before it start
Brian Kelley commented
Users could then download the route to Waze and use the standard app to follow the preferred route.
NoEnvriofascist commented
Click the compass icon that forces up = north
Anonymous commented
I would like to see a compass that stays on the map and I would also like the ability to determine a route online and send it to my phone.
Itai commented
to be able to load waze site with a shared link of a route and view at real time.
Fox commented
Registered user should be able to plan an upcoming route using the web site, and Waze should use that route, once it turned on.
Cyn commented
Any reason why I cannot get directions using the web via pc? Sooooo I have to resort to mapquest or google maps while at my pc? It would be nice to plan my route out, save it and then access it on my smartphone. This is already possible on mapquest ......