Trip summary
Can you add a trip summary button to show how long trip took. I enjoy that feature on my regular gps so I can see how long it took each day to get home from work for example.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Anonymous commented
They have the data but I wouldn't hold your breath. Google sells your info to other companies; if they gave us all our driving stats they'd have to add privacy controls down the line, give users control, etc etc. Don't count on it.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have a history of the trips I made with the roads I took on the map,places I've been,like a history with the details( the road I followed showed on the map,alerts ... Keep up the good work Waze.
Laurent commented
Summarize time spent in transport and also know kms of roads to calculate how much it has costs in real for example.
tdw commented
Can you make it possible so that you have some statistics at the end of a trip?
For example, trip time, stationary time, average speed, top speed and trip length.
Josedgs88 commented
In most Countries (if not all) there are tickets and fines for speed limits, but there are also Laws that let you at least talk with someone to beg pardon. If Waze has a way to show like a chart of speed against time in seconds, minutes or hours it would be Awesome. Because at least we would have a way to show a fact. That's why I have been suggesting this same idea in different Waze web pages. And I think adding this functionality it's so easy knowing that Waze already haves an speedometer. ( it should save the speed every 15 or 10 seconds and add it to a chart of speed vs time)
Avg. speed and max. Speed should also be saved in every trip and in general. Waze team should know that most of this ideas , and good,ideas to add you their app are taken from another app called: Speedometer for iPhone, but anyways I think that all car navigation functionalities should be integrated in one big complete app. -
John Thomas commented
(First, I've tried to get to the Web feedback, but it seems I keep getting dumped into the App/Client feedback site, so sorry if this is the wrong forum to post to.)
The ability to see your historical trips, showing the route, travel time, etc. looks more like an afterthought to enable map editing (e.g. to make sure you only update map info within the area you've traveled). But, this is a really powerful feature, that I think Waze should more prominently present and leverage.
I really like the ability to see the exact travel time I have going to/from work, at different times of the day, taking slightly different routes. I'd love to be able to see my average travel time (or export the data to calculate this) to/from work based on different start times and different routes.
Some may have privacy concerns if they saw this data, but in reality, your mobile phone carrier has and keeps all this data anyway. Since it is out there, Waze should let users mine their own data.
Great app, btw. -JT
Anonymous commented
Another entry already exists for this:
Brad commented
You should let users keep track of current milage. For example there us a goal of 500 miles in a week. Why cant we look up how many we have done this week.
bz2012 commented
Drives in the new editor DO show duration of the drive.
click on 'my places'
click on 'drives' -
Debbie Shapiro commented
I see that there is already a trip history section, but it only includes the mileage of the trip, not how long it took you to take that route. This would be good additional information to have so you could compare routes and take the one that takes the shortest durations.
Howard Ingleby commented
I love the overview that shows when waze initially calculates a route (the one showing traffic and total journey). Please can we have an option to keep this displayed at the bottom of the screen at all times. Thanks.
Coffeepowered commented
I like to download the .kml files of my routes to throw them into Google Earth, but have to do this individually for each trace. I'd like to have the option to download a single zip file containing all of my traces.
Robsky commented
I think that posibility of showing average speed of trip is goog idea.